
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Another Day, Another Muslim Terrorist Arrested

Some of the liberals I debate in my own family will say, "Dennis, there have been just as many terrorist acts carried out by non-Muslims as Muslims!"

First off, that's wishful thinking.  The liberals use statistics that compare 9/11 Muslims killing 3000 in an elaborate terrorist plan and say it counts the same as the white dudes holed up in a state park in Oregon that no one visits in winter anyway.  Oooooooo!!!  That IS terrifying!!!

Secondly, that comment makes no mention of the hundreds of Muslim terrorist operations that got stopped BEFORE THEY WERE CARRIED OUT.

Today we find another Muslim terrorist who was planning a massive murder event in Milwaukee.

 Thankfully he was thwarted before he could act.  But how many more Muslims are waiting in the wings for their day of glory....when they can make their god, Allah, proud of them?

Samy Mohamed Hamzeh, 23, had a plan, the Justice Department said: Kill more than two dozen people at a Masonic temple in Milwaukee and become an international jihadist superstar.

"I am telling you, if this hit is executed, it will be known all over the world," Hamzeh told two unnamed FBI sources in Arabic. "All over the world, all the mujahedeen will be talking and they will be proud of us. ... We are marching at the front of the war."

The larger the number of victims, the better, Hamzeh said. But 30 sounded about right.

"Thirty is excellent," he allegedly said. "If I got out, after killing 30 people, I will be happy 100 percent ... 100 percent happy, because these 30 will terrify the world."

Now, Hamzeh's alleged plans have been derailed. He was arrested Tuesday and charged with possessing machine guns and a silencer, as the DOJ announced.

"Samy Mohamed Hamzeh devised a detailed plan to commit a mass shooting intended to kill dozens of people," Acting United States Attorney Gregory J. Haanstad said in a statement. "He also said that he wanted this mass shooting to be 'known the world over' and to 'ignite' broader clashes. It is difficult to calculate the injury and loss of life that was prevented by concerned citizens coming forward and by the tireless efforts of the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force."


America should not be bringing in any more Muslims to this nation until they can figure out what the heck is going on within Islam and have a national discussion about the Pew Study which confirms that the majority of Muslims want Shariah (Islamic law) to take over in any of their host countries.

"But Dennis, we can't ban people because of their religious beliefs?"

Yes we can.  Islam is a political system and those who adhere to it have NO INTEREST and mixing in America and enjoying our Constitutional Republic.  So we start with banning those Muslims.

"But Dennis, how are you going to do that?  Ask them a question?  We all know Muslims will lie to get around the questioner....oops....that just sounded pretty racist...didn't it?, said the liberal.

That's OK Ms. Liberal....we know what you were trying to say.

Let's start by identifying the poor Christians in Syria and Iraq who are running for their lives and being attacked on all sides by everyone.  Let's bring them to America and welcome them with open arms into our Judeo-Christian nation....where I'm going to be 100% certain they will thrive....and we won't have to worry about a single one of them planning to shoot up a mall in Milwaukee in hopes of bringing praise to Mohammad.

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