
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Italy Covers Nude Statues

The President of Iran is now making a world tour to start drumming up business now that Team Obama has signed a nuclear lie with them and released $billions in a failed attempt to get the leopards to change their spots.  Whew!  That was a mouthful!

So yesterday he was in Italy.  It turns out that the bankrupt Italians really wanted to impress their new found Iranian friend and certainly they didn't want to offend him!! they covered up all the nude statues that are visible all over in Italy.  They believed that if the President of Iran saw 2000 yr old nude, marble men he may get offended.

Call it a cover-up: Nude statues were hidden in Rome in an apparent attempt not to offend the visiting president of socially conservative Iran.

President Hassan Rouhani was in Italy on Tuesday as part of a European tour aimed at drumming up investment in Iran following years of international sanctions.

He met with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Rome's Capitoline Museums on Monday evening — where large white boxes covered up exhibits of nude statues from ancient Rome.

Italy's ANSA news agency said that the move to limit Rouhani's exposure was made out of respect for Iranian culture — and that officials opted not to serve alcohol at events with the president for the same reason.

Although it wasn't immediately clear whether Renzi's office or the museum had made the call to cover the statues up, but if nothing else, the move united both wings of Italy's notoriously fractious political spectrum.

Giorgia Meloni, a former minister in the government of ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and president of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, said the move "exceeded all limits of decency" and posted on Facebook that "the only thing to cover is the face of Renzi, not our classic statues."

Call it a cover-up: Nude statues were hidden in Rome in an apparent attempt not to offend the visiting president of socially conservative Iran.

President Hassan Rouhani was in Italy on Tuesday as part of a European tour aimed at drumming up investment in Iran following years of international sanctions.

He met with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Rome's Capitoline Museums on Monday evening — where large white boxes covered up exhibits of nude statues from ancient Rome.

One of the covered-up nude statues at the Capitoline Museums in Rome. Giuseppe Lami / EPA
Italy's ANSA news agency said that the move to limit Rouhani's exposure was made out of respect for Iranian culture — and that officials opted not to serve alcohol at events with the president for the same reason.

Although it wasn't immediately clear whether Renzi's office or the museum had made the call to cover the statues up, but if nothing else, the move united both wings of Italy's notoriously fractious political spectrum.

Giorgia Meloni, a former minister in the government of ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and president of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, said the move "exceeded all limits of decency" and posted on Facebook that "the only thing to cover is the face of Renzi, not our classic statues."

Meanwhile, Gianluca Peciola, a prominent leftist activist, started a petition demanding that Renzi explain the "disgrace and humiliation" of Italy's "violation of the principles of the secular state and national sovereignty." The petition had 904 signatures by late Tuesday.

The museum and the mayor's office told NBC News to contact the prime minister's office. The prime minister's spokesman did not return several calls and an email from NBC News.

I swear, the evidence continues to mount that all of Europe has lost their collective mind.

Do you not realize, Italy, that when you do things like this you are actually bowing to Islam and thus empowering them to make more demands that YOU CHANGE while THEY NEVER DO?

Do you think that Iran might stop their CALL TO PRAYERS coming from the mosque when an Italian leader visits Iran...because they believe those prayers might not be appreciated by someone from The West?

Don't hold your breath.  Islam says it will never change for outsiders, but certainly they expect the outsiders to change for them.

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