
Thursday, January 28, 2016

ISIS Has Libya's Chemical Weapons

What would happen if ISIS starts lobbing mortar shells filled with sarin gas into cities all over the Iraq, Syria and wherever else ISIS plans on moving into?  What if the images of thousands of dead kids killed by poison gas made it to our TV's and interrupted our Super Bowl week?

Would that be a "red line" for President Obama?  Would the "civilized world" then be forced to stand up, put together a huge ground force and invade ISIS territory and wipe them out?

Don't hold your breath.  That "red line" was crossed a long time ago and all Obama did was erase the red line.

The rest of the "civilized world" doesn't have the desire to lose any of their soldiers dying for some other people that haven't directly attacked their nation.  America would have to lead that battle....and quite frankly, I don't think we have the money or the stomach for a ground war with ISIS.  We would prefer to drop bombs on them from 5 miles up then fly home and have a Bud Light.  And to be honest, if that strategy could work, I would be all for it.  I certainly don't want my boys trudging across Libya trying to figure out which Muslims are ISIS while looking for mustard gas.

Former Libyan official: ISIS got Qaddafi's chemical weapons

Libyan former intelligence official Ahmad Qadhaf Al-Dam recently said that the Islamic State (ISIS) and other terrorist groups had gotten hold of the chemical weapons that had remained in Libya from the regime of former dictator Muammar Qaddafi.

The comments by Al-Dam, who is a cousin of Qaddafi, were made in an interview with the Egyptian Dream TV network on January 18. They were translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“You said that ISIS has gained control of poisonous gases, such as the lethal sarin gas. Where did you get that information from?” the interviewer asked.

Al-Dam replied, “It is no secret that these gases exist in Libya. To be fair, ISIS is not the only one. Everyone has poisonous gases. It's not only in Libya. Everybody knows this. The Western countries know this. They have spies [in Libya]. They are the ones who attacked Libya, and then left these dangerous weapons there.”

Asked about Western countries’ claims that they had forced Qaddafi to get rid of his arsenal of chemical weapons, Al-Dam replied, They didn't force him. It was part of a deal. There was no longer any justification for building a [nuclear] bomb. For whom would we build it? The Arabs had recognized Israel and had begun to collaborate with it. We in Libya didn't have an enemy for which to build a nuclear bomb. This enterprise began in the early 1970s, when the Arab nation wanted to produce a weapon that would deter the Zionist enemy. But today, we have become on the best terms with the Zionists, so why would we want such a weapon?”


Wow!....they are on the best terms with the Zionists!  That's simply amazing.

The Bible says that Libya will one day join the Ezekiel 38 coalition who will  plan the destruction of Israel.

Here is what I do know....if ISIS were to ever dare launch chemical weapons into Israel, and let's just pretend they chose Syria as the launching point....Israel would drop a nuke on the entire city so fast it would make your head spin.

Now go read Isaiah 17 again.  If you Google the pictures out of Syria, much of Damascus has already been reduced to a pile of rubble....

“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins.
2 The cities of Aroer will be deserted
    and left to flocks, which will lie down,
    with no one to make them afraid.

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