
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pope Meets With Iranian President

We know that Iran's President Rouhani was in Italy because they covered up the naked statues.

So since he was close to the Vatican, it only seemed natural that he needed to stop in there to catch a few laughs with the False Prophet Pope.  They are pictured together laughing on the front page of yesterday's Wall Street Journal. (For those keeping count...the Pope is on the front page AGAIN!)

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis met with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran on Tuesday — the first meeting between a pope and an Iranian leader in nearly 17 years — and urged Iran to play an “important role” in finding political solutions for the various conflicts afflicting the Middle East.

The two leaders stressed “the importance of interreligious dialogue” to achieve this aim and the responsibilities of religious communities “in promoting reconciliation, tolerance and peace,” the Vatican said in a statement.

The private, 40-minute encounter with the pope came midway into Mr. Rouhani’s packed agenda on his four-day visit to Italy and France, where he is trying to re-establish trade and business ties after years of crippling sanctions. The trip follows the lifting of sanctions on Jan. 16, after Iran was judged to have complied with last summer’s deal with six world powers to limit nuclear activities.

To shake hands with the pope and other world leaders is by itself a success for Mr. Rouhani, who has promised to restore ties with Western countries. Iran had long been isolated over its nuclear program, and the previous president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, alienated many world leaders with his statements denying the Holocaust.

Mr. Rouhani’s visit is the first to Europe since taking office. He planned to sign several contracts that he hopes will restart his country’s ailing economy. In Italy, he signed a gas deal, and in France he is expected to commit to buying 127 Airbus planes and sign a deal with the French carmaker Peugeot. The visit was widely reported in the pro-government press in Tehran.

The Vatican statement spoke of “the important role that Iran is called upon to fulfill” in promoting peaceful solutions to Middle East conflicts and countering the spread of terrorism and arms trafficking.


Now that is funny!  Iran is supposed to fulfill an important role in promoting peace??  They are the leading terrorist supporters in the whole wide world!!

Do you think that Pope has ever read his Bible??  Does he not understand that Iran's role in the near future will be to continue fighting with Russia while the rest of the Ezekiel 38 coalition builds?  And that Iran will be a major player in the coalition that will descend upon Israel like a demonic horde?

Of course the Pope doesn't understand that.  Probably because he believes in REPLACEMENT a lot of Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and many other protestant faiths.

They think God is done with Israel and many times this goes hand in hand with believing that all prophecy in the Bible has already been they really don't end up watching for anything that Jesus told us to watch for.

I have always had the feeling that this passage may apply to many who embraced Catholicism while on this earth..., "But Lord, Lord!  Didn't we prophecy in your name?  Didn't we cast out demons in your name?'  And I will say to them "Depart from me.  I don't know you."

Are there Catholics who have accepted Christ and will be part of the Bride of Christ when the trumpet blows?  ABSOLUTELY!!

Will there be many that are left behind??  ABSOLUTELY!!

Will the Pope be left behind?  I have NO IDEA what his personal relationship is with Jesus Christ...BUT....his comments since he became Pope make me wonder how much truthful fruit of the Gospel he is actually bearing.

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