
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Atheism Was at the Heart of the Holocaust

Have you ever had a liberal atheist say, "Yeah, well the Muslims might be having some problems now...but look at you Christians over the years!!  Remember the Salem Witch trials?  Remember the Crusades?!  Remember the Spanish Inquisition?!?"

Of course since most Christians aren't super confrontational....most will walk away when hit with these "zingers" by the liberals and wonder why Christians WERE so bad once upon a time.

In reality, all those zingers that atheist-liberals love to use to silence Christians from asking about Islam, are stupid.

There were like 3 people killed for being witches and that was some years ago in Massachusetts. That would hardly make the news today as we have that many killed by knives in Chicago every single day!

The Spanish Inquisition killed a few hundred people over 400 years.....Muslim terrorists do that many before breakfast just about every day on planet earth.

The Crusades were a series of wars, some were Evangelism crusades carried out by children. some were carried out by hired soldiers (mercenaries) who were sent to try and stop the Muslim invaders before they reached greater Europe.  And of course when you get big men, jacked up on adrenaline, blood, booty and have a recipe for some "collateral damage".  Certainly those hired soldiers weren't killing anyone in the name of Christ...and there would be some serious doubt as to the whether these mercenaries were born again and Holy Spirit filled.  However, some of these soldiers couldn't pass up the opportunity to kill Jews, but that can't be blamed on followers of Christ because CHRIST WAS A JEW!!

Anyway, today we find that atheists, even though they seem to want to claim the high ground because they are "beyond religion" are godless people who usually end up doing lots of godless things...including them being at the heart of the Holocaust against the Jews 70 years ago.

As UK Christians remember the Holocaust, marked on January 27 as the day in 1945 when Auschwitz was liberated, they have been reminded that it was spawned by godlessness and the rejection of faith.

Steven Jaffe, a member of the UK’s Jewish Board of Deputies, was addressing a largely Christian audience at a church in Sheffield, Yorkshire.

He said the exodus from Egypt was immediately followed by the battle with Amalek, who had no reason to attack Israel. There was no territorial dispute or history of conflict, for example. And they attacked the sick and the elderly – those who were most vulnerable. (Deuteronomy 25.17-18)

“The conflict with Amalek is not over,” he said. Amalek denied God and his power in the same way the Nazis did, and the latter mirrored their lack of mercy.

He recalled that Britain’s former Chief Rabbi, Lord Sachs, was once asked where God was during the Holocaust, to which he is said to have replied: “Where was man?”

My worry is that the growing influence of rank atheism in Britain and Europe will have a bearing on the future of anti-Semitism. The poisonous view that God does not exist naturally leads to godless behaviour and thought, even among those previously tutored in godly ways. The result is that even some who claim to have faith, and who perhaps stand in pulpits, start believing the lie that is proclaimed so often through almost every strand of media.

It is indeed frustrating that, as fast as we spread word about the horrors of the Holocaust, vowing that it should never be repeated, the vile infestation of anti-Semitism creeps into every crack and crevice of a broken society as the walls of a Judeo-Christian civilization come crashing down around us.

In polite Britain, hatred of Jews is generally not expressed openly, but often takes the form of a loathing of Israel, so that the very mention of the Jewish state is enough to raise the hackles, not only of the politically-aware man in the street, but of the semi-biblically aware man in the pew.

As Steven told the Bush Fire Church, such loathing cannot be explained in rational terms. But he was spot on target, I believe, in linking the phenomenon with a society that has thrown God out of the window. Pledges of never letting it happen again are not enough, in my opinion; without a recovery of faith in the God of Israel, there can be no guarantee that another holocaust won’t take place.


Actually the Bible guarantees that another holocaust will take place against the Jews.  And the next one will kill 2/3 of the world's Jews. (read Zechariah)  The remnant of Israel will be saved by God and ultimately rescued by the return of Christ.

Of course Bible readers know WHY the world hates Jews.  It's really very simple.  Satan is the Prince of the World so the world hates Jews.  Also since God's prophetic word has SO MANY THINGS THAT ARE GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE LAST DAYS THAT INVOLVE ISRAEL AND THE JEWS....that Satan wants to make a stab at wiping out Israel and wiping out Jews.  He knows if he can then God's word would be broken....and what the heck does Satan have to lose in trying??

Anyway, back to the atheist-liberals.  If you find one throwing bogus claims at you because you are a Christian, remind them that atheism is a godless thought process and that godless people end up doing godless things.  And why wouldn't they?  People who don't believe in God don't believe will ever be accountable to anyone for anything!!

So why not rape a girl who is passed out?  Why not steal your neighbors stuff?  Why not seduce your neighbors husband?  Why not imprison a bunch of Jews and take their stuff?

"But Dennis, I'm what you call a "moral atheist"....because I still do good things!"

OK....and please tell us WHERE you get the definition of "good" so that YOU CAN DECIDE what is a good thing?

"Oh, I cant just feel it.  We all know in our hearts what is good."

What a liberal, pie-in-the-sky, load of horse poo!  NO ONE DOES "GOOD"!!  NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IS "GOOD" unless we submit to the Holy Spirit and study the Word of God.

It was God who gave us the owners manual, the BIBLE, and told us how to live.   Without that, you are just free floating and have no right to tell ANYONE what is right and wrong, good or bad. All behavior then just becomes relative and cultural.

"Hi there!  In my culture we like to dress up little homeless boys as women and then sodomize them around the campfire!"...said the tribal leader from Afghanistan.

To which the liberal atheist has to reply, "Oh that sounds nice!  Is that part of your culture?  How long has that been going on?  Good for you...if that makes you happy...who am I to judge?"



    Good article! Todd K.

  2. Thanks Todd! I just got done posting Joel Rosenbergs comments saying that he believes Trump would be a disaster for America and I would agree. The Townhall article you sent seems to echo the same thoughts. One paragraph in the article though claims that Pastor Jeffress has hitched his wagon to Trump. We talked to Jeffress last October when he was in Mpls about this topic and the video we saw of him and many other evangelicals praying over Trump and he denied that he was a Trump supporter. He told us that he simply won't pass up an opportunity to pray over hope he would do the same if any other candidate invited him to pray over them.
