
Friday, January 29, 2016

Canada Bans Using Words "Mother" and "Father" in Schools

Here's how a conversation might happen in first grade at any school in North America:

"Hi...what did your mom pack you for lunch today?  I got peanut butter sandwich...."
"I don't have a mom...but my dad packed me tuna fish.'
"What happened to your mom?"
"I have two dads"
"I don't get can you have two dads?"

Of course from here the conversation can get WAY OUT OF CONTROL!  Now the bully police, the feel-bad police, the PC police and 5 school counselors need to fill out papers in triplicate  before calling a public meeting with all parents and children who were involved in 'the incident'.

Well, according to this article, progressive Canada is going to nip this problem in the bud before it happens!  From now on the words MOTHER AND FATHER will be banned from public schools!

It used to be: "Heather has two mommies."

Now, it's: "Heather has two non-gendered and inclusive caregivers."

That's the language the New Democratic Party government in Alberta, Canada, is telling teachers and school administrators to use when adressing the adults with whom students are living. Out: "mother" and "father." In: "parent," "caregiver," "partner," whatever.

And God help you if refer to one of the little rascals as "him" or "her."

Here's the pertinent language from the rainbow-adorned "Guidelines for Best Practices" that the highminded-progressive NDP government issued last week:

School forms, websites, letters, and other communications use non-gendered and inclusive language (e.g., parents/guardians, caregivers, families, partners, “student” or “their” instead of Mr., Ms., Mrs., mother, father, him, her, etc.)."
The purpose of the guidelines, according to the text, is to create "learning communities" that "respect diverse sexual orientations, gender identies, and gender expressions."

And that means that the kids, no matter how young or how old, get to pick their own gender and force everyone else in the school to abide by their choice:

Self-identification is the sole measure of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression....
Some individuals may not feel included in the use of the pronouns “he” or “she” and may prefer alternate pronouns, such as “ze,” “zir,” “hir,” “they” or “them,” or might wish to express themselves or self-identify in other ways (e.g., Mx. instead or Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss, or no prefix at all)....

When creating student/staff lists, school staff ensure gender designations are not included either beside individual names or as a composite number for the group
Trying to remember whether little "Mx." Jones wants to be a "zir" or a "hir" sounds hard enough. But then the guidelines get to this:

If sports teams are divided by gender, students are given the opportunity to participate on the team that reflects their gender identity and expression… Students with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions have a right to accommodation when it comes to the use of washroom and change room facilities that are congruent with their gender identity. This applies during school time and school-related activities on and off school property.
And the "accommodation" means that if you're a girl and you don't like the idea of someone in the shower room who claims to be a girl but looks exactly like a boy anatomically, you're the one who has to move:

A student who objects to sharing a washroom or change-room with a student who is trans or gender-diverse is offered an alternative facility.
And also, adults who claim to belong to a different sex from the one they anatomically resemble get to be in that shower room, too!

Family members are able to access washrooms that are congruent with their gender identity.
Alberta, nestled in the Canadian Rockies and famous for its Texas-style cattle ranches and oilfields, used to be Canada's most conservative province, until the NDP swept the elections in May 2015.

And now that the Alberta progressives have consolidated their power over schoolchildren, you'd better not be overheard heard in the hallways saying, "So's your mama."

It's "So's your caregiver."


Have the liberals lost their collective mind?

We will say it once again...the traditional family is the FOUNDATION of any God-fearing society.  It was God's plan that one man and one woman would be fruitful, have children and raise them up in the fear of The Lord.

And WHO would it be that wants to tear down the family?

Yep....the Prince of this world.

Sadly, he seems to have been on a winning streak lately when it comes to issues, laws and rulings that tear apart the very fabric of this foundation.

Thankfully we follower of Christ knows who wins in the end.  But suffice it to say, things will continue to head out of control as the Day of the Lord nears.

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