
Friday, January 29, 2016

Norway Calls for Cashless Society

Last week we blogged about Sweden and how they might become the first cashless society.

Today we find out the same push may be happening in Norway.

Largest Bank In Norway Calls For The Elimination Of Cash

The biggest bank in Norway is calling for the complete and total elimination of cash. Many local bank branches in Norway already don' t deal in cash, but that is not good enough for DNB.

They want a blanket ban on the use of cash, and they are selling this as a way to crack down on criminals and money launderers. But in the end, the truth is that they want to be able to force everyone in society to use the banks and it would enable them to collect fees on almost every transaction. 

It is an agenda that is being driven by greed, but it could also open the door for great tyranny. Unfortunately, we are not just seeing aggressive movement toward a cashless society in Norway. It is also happening in Sweden, in Denmark and in many other nations all around the globe. The Beast system is rising, and yet very few people out there even seem alarmed by this.

When I first learned about what was happening in Norway, I was absolutely stunned. I have ancestors that came over to America from over there, and I had no idea that this was happening. The following comes from the International Business Times...

The largest bank in Norway has called for the country to stop using cash, the Local reported Friday. This comes as the latest move in a country that has been leading the global charge toward electronic money in recent years, with several banks already not offering cash in their branch offices and some industries seeking to cut back on paper currency.

Of course this idea is being sold as something that will be really good for Norwegian society. DNB promises that eliminating cash will help authorities crack down on criminal activity and money laundering. Here is more from the International Business Times...

"Today, there is approximately 50 billion kroner in circulation and the country's central bank Norges Bank can only account for 40 percent of its use. That means that 60 percent of money usage is outside of any control. We believe that is due to under-the-table money and laundering," Trond Bentestuen, a DNB executive, told Norwegian website VG, the Local reported.

"There are so many dangers and disadvantages associated with cash, we have concluded that it should be phased out," he added.


Yes!!  Cash should be phased out!!...EXACTLY as the Bible said it would be in the Last Days!!

When cash is gone everyone will need use some type of electronic means to buy or sell anything...and of course that means everything will be traceable by the government.

"But Dennis, 95% of everything I buy from groceries to movie tickets is already done with a VISA card...and the government can already track all I don't really care if the last 5% of what I buy has to be done electronically."

Yes, yes, I get that....95% of everything I buy is also on my VISA.  It's become so easy and so acceptable everywhere that it's easier to use that than to fish out my wallet and dig for paper and coins!

But there is coming a day when your VISA will need a chip to work....and that chip (or mark) will need to be on your arm or forehead.  And any that take this mark will forever lose their chance at spending eternity with Jesus.

Thankfully, we followers of Christ will have already been called into the clouds to meet Jesus before this happens.....but the fact that the world is heading cashless should give us more confirmation of the lateness of the hour we are in.  At any moment Jesus could break back into history and snatch His bride in the clouds.

Revelation 13:17
so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

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