
Monday, January 18, 2016

Iran Prepping for Armageddon?

Many followers of Christ, including me, believe that there will be a time when Jesus will return in time to put an end to the battles of Armageddon.  We believe it because Jesus said it and Jesus is the perfecter of our faith and the Creator of the what He says merits our attention.

But what if you believed that the world was going to come to an end and the Islamic Mahdi was going to show up, kill all the Jews and Christians and usher in the 13th Caliphate to rule the world with Shariah law?  And what if you believed that it was YOUR JOB to help cause the chaos necessary for the Mahdi to come?

And lastly, what if you believed all that and had access to armies, tanks and atomic weapons?

Iran has prepared almost 200,000 young men in countries across the Middle East to help with the arrival of the Mahdi, a Muslim leader who will usher in justice prior to the Day of Judgment, a Revolutionary Guard commander said earlier this week. Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said recent violence across the region, including the rise of the Islamic State group, was a sign the arrival of the messianic Muslim leader was imminent, the Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah reported.

Jafari said the current developments in the region, “the formation of [the Islamic State group] and Takfiri [extremist] groups, and the events that occurred in the past years are paving the ground for the emergence of Imam Mahdi,” Middle East Monitor reported. "You can now see the positive results in the readiness of nearly 200,000 young armed in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen.”

Shiite Muslims generally believe the Mahdi will arrive following a period of widespread violence and instability, and will usher in justice and an event like the Armageddon, the conclusive battle between good and evil. The comments come as Iran has grown increasingly entangled with several regional conflicts, including in Syria, where Revolutionary Guard forces have been battling to support the embattled dictator Bashar Assad.

The conflict, which has broken down along sectarian lines, has given rise to apocalyptic theories, as war in the region was prophesied by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in the Syrian war, and millions more have been displaced.

Several regional leaders expressed disapproval of the Iranian general’s statement, reported Asharq al-Awsat, a London-based Arabic language newspaper. A spokesman for the Yemeni government said Jafari’s comments were seen as “direct aggression against Yemen and a violation of its sovereignty.” Houthis have been battling the Yemeni government for months and are believed to be backed by Iran.

The region has seen intensified sectarian tensions in recent weeks, particularly in the aftermath of the execution of a popular Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia, a country with a Sunni majority. The execution sparked protests in Shiite communities across several Muslim countries, including in Iran where protesters attacked the Saudi embassy.

Saudi Arabia and several of its predominantly-Sunni allies in the region cut diplomatic ties with Iran following the embassy attack. The execution and outcry that followed was seen as exacerbating already tense relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, two of the Middle East’s major powers.


I'm sure you all saw that Iran was the top headline story AGAIN this morning.  They released five Americans they had detained for various bogus claims including one Christian pastor.  Today was also the day the $100 billion in frozen Iranian assets were set to be released since Iran supposedly honored their end of the nuclear agreement that Team Obama made with them.

Now ask yourselves, in what alternate reality could it possibly be a good idea to release $100 billion to a country that is one of the world's top sponsors of Islamic terrorism?

Also please note that Iran just arrested some U.S. Sailors last week and even though they are signatories of the Geneva Convention which strictly prohibits taking pictures of POW's in uniform....Iran proudly showed the video all over the world of their American prisoners bowing at the barrels of Iranian soldiers.

So now Iran has showed the world they can mock the US military AND STILL GET $100 billion released by Team Obama.

Iran is a NAMED PLAYER OF THE LAST DAYS IN THE BIBLE.  They were called Persia until 1935.  The fact that they are in the news EVERY DAY should not surprise Bible readers.  They are coming up on stage exactly as the Bible said they would.

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