
Monday, January 18, 2016

Disney's "Magic" Wristband

Revelation 13
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

We know it's coming!  We can see all the signs shaping up for the fulfillment of The Great Tribulation and here we find another one!  Disney is betting that people will want a magic wristband that let's you buy or sell anything in the magic kingdom!

IF YOU WANT to imagine how the world will look in just a few years, once our cell phones become the keepers of both our money and identity, skip Silicon Valley and book a ticket to Orlando. Go to Disney World. Then, reserve a meal at a restaurant called Be Our Guest, using the Disney World app to order your food in advance.

The restaurant lies beyond a gate of huge fiberglass boulders, painstakingly airbrushed to look like crumbling remnants of the past. Crossing a cartoon-like drawbridge, you see the parapets of a castle rising beyond a snow-dusted ridge, both rendered in miniature to appear far away. The Gothic-styled entrance is teensy. Such pint-sized intimacy is a psychological hack invented by Walt Disney himself to make visitors feel larger than their everyday selves. It works. You feel like you’re stepping across the pages of a storybook.

If you’re wearing your Disney MagicBand and you’ve made a reservation, a host will greet you at the drawbridge and already know your name—Welcome Mr. Tanner! She’ll be followed by another smiling person—Sit anywhere you like! Neither will mention that, by some mysterious power, your food will find you.

“It’s like magic!” a woman says to her family as they sit. “How do they find our table?” The dining hall, inspired by Beauty and the Beast, features Baroque details but feels like a large, orderly cafeteria. The couple’s young son flits around the table, like a moth. After a few minutes, he settles into his chair without actually sitting down, as kids often do. Soon, their food arrives exactly as promised, delivered by a smiling young man pushing an ornately carved serving cart that resembles a display case at an old museum.

It’s surprising how the woman’s sensible question immediately fades, unanswered, in the rising aroma of French onion soup and roast beef sandwiches. This is by design. The family entered a matrix of technology the moment it crossed the moat, one geared toward anticipating their whims without offering the slightest clue how.

How do they find our table? The answer is around their wrists.

Their MagicBands, tech-studded wristbands available to every visitor to the Magic Kingdom, feature a long-range radio that can transmit more than 40 feet in every direction. The hostess, on her modified iPhone, received a signal when the family was just a few paces away. Tanner family inbound! The kitchen also queued up: Two French onion soups, two roast beef sandwiches! When they sat down, a radio receiver in the table picked up the signals from their MagicBands and triangulated their location using another receiver in the ceiling. The server—as in waitperson, not computer array—knew what they ordered before they even approached the restaurant and knew where they were sitting.

And it all worked seamlessly, like magic.


You see friends, as we experience change pushing us toward The Tribulation, we are being prepared, slowly, to accept what will happen.  Of course the change has come at an incredible pace for the last 50 years but in the last 20 we simply aren't amazed anymore. We now have cell phones we can talk to and ask some lady named Siri any question imaginable and she will answer us!

When the future government says they will quit taking cash as any form of payment but instead prefer VISA CARDS, PAYPAL or one will bat an eye!

A few years later when all the retail stores announce they will quit accepting cash, no one will bat an eye!  We will just let them swipe our $zeroes directly from our iPhone app!

A few years after that the global government will announce that in order to save money printing, transporting and guarding cash, stop the spread of germs and to discourage drugs and sex trade there will no longer be ANY CASH issued.  The entire economy will now transact on electronic transactions.

Hello Antichrist!  We saw you coming we just didn't think it was gonna happen so fast!

Hat tip to Tom F.

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