
Monday, January 18, 2016

Press 1 for Spanish, 2 for Arabic, 3 for Farsi

It's a fact that the single factor that bonds a people group together is language.  Most likely it has been that way since God confused the people at the Tower of Babel about 4000 years ago.

What a travesty that now you can live and thrive in America without knowing a single word of English...."Press 1 for espanol" says just about every operator on every customer service site that a person can call.  We even broadcast multiple TV stations in Spanish!!

Today we find this article that Britain may be about to tackle this problem.

LONDON — British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday threatened to deport spouses who don’t learn English as part of a wider government effort to stamp out segregation and tackle radicalization.

Speaking to the BBC, Cameron said that those who speak poor English are “more susceptible to the extremist message.”

Cameron also said the British government would spend £20 million ($28.6 million) on English lessons for women.

While the lessons will be targeted at immigrant woman from “isolated communities,” Cameron highlighted the Muslim community in particular, saying that there were 38,000 Muslim women in the U.K. who don’t speak any English, and 190,000 who spoke poor English.


Uh-oh....looks like Mr Cameron may have touched the deadly third rail....he highlighted the MUSLIM COMMUNITY!!

Now let's just stand back and watch the liberal fur fly!!

"You can't do this!!!  It's racist!!"

Ummm....yes we can.

Just imagine if America had started teaching public schools in German, French, Norwegian or any other language that was coming to America.  Our great nation would have NEVER been able to accomplish all that we have.

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