
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Sell Everything!

Talk about an extreme headline!  The world is going to meltdown according to Bank of Scotland analyst.

The Royal Bank of Scotland warned its clients to “sell everything” and exit the stock market as soon as possible, a warning which indicates the global economy is heading towards a 1929-style Great Depression.

“Sell everything except high-quality bonds,” warned Andrew Roberts, the bank’s research chief for European economics and rates. “We think investors should be afraid.”

He said the collapsing price of oil, the impending destruction of Chinese markets and ever-exploding debts – all within the first week of January – were significant red flags revealing the “cataclysmic year” ahead.

To elaborate, the S&P’s 500 had its worst five-day start on record since 1929 and the Dow Jones industrial average never had a start so bad since 1897.

And in China, government officials are demolishing never-used high-rises built in unoccupied “ghost cities” funded by the country’s credit-fueled investment bubble.


Let's remember the words of Jesus who said His return would come at a time when people were just going about their business, marrying, giving in marriage, eating, drinking, etc...  This may give us hope that the Bride of Christ will not be here when a major meltdown happens.

Let's hope!  But let's be ready no matter what may be coming....

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