
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

There Goes the Methodists!

Maybe we are living in the foreshadows of the GREAT DELUSION that God will send?   If not that, then certainly we are living in the GREAT FALLING AWAY when even people who claim to be Christians will abandon the faith.

"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."--says God regarding Israel

Yes, I realize that you can be a baby Christian and have NO IDEA about Israel, Jews, Last Days, etc...and very much love Jesus and be saved.  BUT, how can it be that so many folks who have been at seminary, and maybe even studied their Bibles there. end up having no clue that Israel is the rightful possessors of the land?  God's promises to Israel are eternal.

The United Methodist Church, Protestant denomination numbering over seven million members in the United States, announced on Tuesday that its pension board will not invest in five Israeli banks in protest of their role in financing Israeli settlement activity beyond the 1967 Green Line.

The announcement was reported by The New York Times.

The move is considered a victory for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, an ad hoc campaign driven by pro-Palestinian supporters eager to rally international opinion against Israel by targeting its economic interests as punishment for its policies with regards to the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel and its supporters claim that BDS proponents use human rights for Palestinians as a thinly veiled disguise meant to cover up their real aim of drying up the country economically and bringing about its destruction.

Though the blacklist named five banks, an examination of the General Board's investments showed that it was only invested in two of them: Hapoalim and Leumi.

The fund remained invested in a slew of other Israeli companies, including Teva, Checkpoint, Nice, Israel Chemicals, Israel Corp, Cellcom and Wix.

Thus far, there is little evidence that the BDS movement has succeeded in exacting a price from Israel's economy, though several studies say that a broad-based effort in Europe could inflict economic pain.


Friends, if you can't trust and have faith that God's promises to Israel are can you be so sure that God's promises to YOU are permanent?


  1. Still over here in NW Wisconsin, in my war room, reading your blog Dennis and very thankful for it! Thanks Dennis!
    God bless and love, Amy

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Amy! Things just get more exciting every day! Keep praying for this country as we are running away from God at full speed now. Discipline and/or judgment is really all that seems to be left for America.
