
Friday, February 5, 2016

FBI to Recommend Clinton Indictment

The nations are trembling!  Are there any real leaders running in the Presidential election who can pick up the baton and get this nation "back on track"?

We doubt that there is any one man, or woman, who is going to come along and fix the massive systemic problems that Team USA has gotten itself into.

Today we read a headline that says FBI will have no choice but to indict Hilary Clinton.

Former Secretary of State and current Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been under criminal investigation by the FBI for nearly a year. At this point, it's been reported Clinton hosted thousands of emails containing classified information on her private email server. Worse, at least 22-emails contain the most sensitive of all top secret information about human sources, putting lives at risk in addition to compromising U.S. national security.

Yesterday on The Intelligence Report, former House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa explained why FBI Direct James Comey has no choice but to refer Clinton for indictment. 

"The Director is somebody who cares a great deal about national security and with the body of evidence, he really has no choice but to refer this for indictment," Issa said. "We have communications back and forth to the President from Hillary Clinton's private email, we have 1300 sensitive documents, 22 classified at the highest level, this is well past anyone claiming that they didn't know." 

"In this case she made a choice. She made a choice to have a private server, she made a choice to use it with highly sensitive material, she made a choice to receive and re-transmit documents that should have been classified and have later been classified," he added. "These choices are what the prosecution will really be about." 

Currently, there are more than 150 FBI agents working on the Clinton case and the probe has expanded from the improper handling of classified information to public corruption surrounding the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.


Currently the Democrats have Hilary running against a confirmed progressive socialist.  What happens if Hilary ends up going to jail?  Would this nation elect a socialist?

And who do we have leading the Republicans?  Donald Trump...who just dropped the F bomb at a recent rally.  Nice!!

As we keep in the fact that God already knows who our next President will be.

1 comment:

  1. They won't indict Hillary because she has already stated if she goes down she will bring everyone else on both side down with her. Sad fact that America is a joke and we are no better than Nazi Germany.
