
Monday, February 8, 2016

Russia Warns That Turkey is Planning a Syria Invasion

The wars and rumors of war continue to build in the Middle East.

Today we find a report from Russia that Turkey is planning a military invasion of Syria.

Developments on the Turkish-Syrian border give serious grounds to suspect that Ankara is planning a military invasion in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

“We have serious grounds to suspect intensive preparations by Turkey for a military invasion on the territory of the sovereign state of Syria,” Major General Igor Konashenkov, Defense Ministry spokesman, told journalists.

“We are recording more and more signs of concealed preparations by the Turkish military,” he added.

The spokesman reminded that Moscow had previously provided the international community with irrefutable video evidence of Turkish artillery firing on Syrian populated areas in the north of Latakia Province.

“We are surprised that the talkative representatives of the Pentagon, NATO and numerous organizations allegedly protecting human rights in Syria, despite our call to respond to these actions, still remain silent [on the shelling by Turkey],” he said.

Turkey is supplying terrorists in the Syrian cities of Idlib and Aleppo with manpower and weaponry, Konashenkov said.

The spokesman showed the media a photo of the Reyhanli checkpoint, saying that “through this very border crossing – mainly at nighttime – the militants, who seized the city of Aleppo and Idlib in northwestern Syria, are being supplied with arms and fighters from the Turkish territory.”

Turkey is trying to conceal its illegal military activity on the border with Syria and has canceled an agreed Russian observation flight over its territory because of that, Konashenkov said.

“Such steps carried out by a country, which is a NATO member state, in no way contribute to the strengthening of trust and security in Europe,” the spokesman told journalists.

Konashenkov called the cancellation of the Russian observation flight over Turkish territory “a dangerous precedent and an attempt to conceal illegal military activity near the border with Syria.”

The violation of the Open Skies Treaty by Ankara won’t go without a proper response from Moscow, he said.

Konashenkov also said Russia has boosted all kinds of intelligence and surveillance activities in the Middle East.

“So if someone in Ankara thinks that the cancellation of the flight by the Russian observers will enable hiding something then that’s quite amateurish.”


For all of you prophecy readers who are paying attention to Ezekiel 38, we know that Russia, Iran and Turkey will one day form a coalition and set their sights on Israel.

So even though this tension between Russia and Turkey seems counterproductive in bringing about that prophecy...we can rest assured the SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN that will put this coalition formation back on track.

Russia and Iran are already fighting together in Syria...right on Israel's doorstep.  Now Turkey just needs to smooth over it's spat with Russia get on board!

As you also know, Israel recently discovered massive amounts of natural gas and oil.  This could be the "booty" spoken of in Ezekiel 38 that Russia seeks from Israel?  It could also be the "hook in the jaw" that God uses to draw them out onto the battle field....where they will be decimated by the hand of God.

Wow!  Amazing times we are witnessing!!

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