
Monday, February 29, 2016

Nibiru, Planet X and Jewish Messiah

We continue to find more chatter in the news about a mysterious planet that only comes around planet earth once every 3600 years.  Some call it Nibiru, others call it Planet X.

Of course we have no idea whether there is some big planet heading towards us.  We simply look at the headlines and marvel at all the apocalyptic topics being discussed in the news almost every single day.

Also, this article is more evidence that the Jews are looking for their Messiah....and it's not Jesus.

When Breaking Israel News first reported on an apocalyptic scenario involving a mysterious star or planet whose tail is expected to result in extensive damage to Earth’s land masses and death to millions, the story was met with plenty of skepticism.

Since then, however, the connection between the planet Nibiru – also known as Planet X – and End of Days has been discussed with increasingly seriousness by a wide range of Jewish scholars.

To date, the biggest name associated with this story is Rav Moshe Sternbuch, a very prominent rabbi in Jerusalem. Although he did not verify an apocalyptic scenario, he did tell his student, Rabbi Daniel Travis, that there are big changes coming to the world. He also explained that the appearance of a star at the End of Days is plainly spoken of in the Zohar, Judaism’s primary mystical text.

In a second video, Glazerson points out a reference to the month of March and the corresponding Hebrew month of Adar Bet and affirms that this all fits with the passage from the Zohar about the star. In leap years, which occur seven times every 19 years in the Hebrew calendar, an additional month of Adar, called Adar Alef is added. In a leap year, the “regular” month of Adar is referred to as Adar Bet.

A third rabbinic voice to speak openly about Nibiru is Rabbi Yuval Ovadia, a maker of spiritual films. In a radio interview on February 17, Ovadia shared his findings that Planet X was well-known and spoken about openly approximately 40 years ago. He claims to have many newspaper articles about the existence of Nibiru from that time.

“And then,” Ovadia claims, “it went down. NASA put it in a complete silence. They didn’t talk about it. And it was like just out there for [anyone believing] in mysticism and stuff like that, but as far as science, it’s completely vanished, as if it did not exist and even they started to, you know, spread around ‘It’s not true. It’s not there.’”

Nibiru has consistently been debunked by scientists and journalists, most recently in Joel Achenbach’s story in the Washington Post.

The date most frequently associated with Nibiru is March 26, 2016. In a matter of weeks, the entire world will know whether or not Nibiru exists and whether or not it represents a Messianic advancement.


Do we believe that a massive planet is going to come into view and disrupt planet earth anytime soon?

It might, but we doubt it.

We don't believe an event like that will happen before the Rapture...but it very well could be something that happens during the Great Tribulation....when men will faint with fear for what is coming upon them.

In fact the Bible confirms that many unusual events WILL BE HAPPENING in the skies during the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

We believe we are living in the time that Jesus refers to as the "Days of Noah".  It was a time when life was going on pretty much as usual.  People were eating, drinking, planting, marrying, planning weddings, etc....and they had no idea what was about to come upon them until the sky opened up and the flood waters took them all away to their deaths.

We don't believe that massive planets ripping apart our gravity, nuclear bombs destroying nations, alien invasions or demons ascending out of the Abyss and tormenting men with painful bites are ANYTHING that is going to happen before The Lord comes and calls His bride home.

If those things did would hardly qualify as "business as usual" on planet earth.  People may quit planning their wedding parties if they saw a massive planet appear in our sky 5 times the size of the moon and moving closer and closer every day as the scientists of the world tell earthlings to brace for impact.

Don't you think?

Luke 17:26-27
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

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