
Monday, February 29, 2016

Tsunami Wave Across Iraq?

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the infrastructure like dams, roads, stop lights, sewers, places where ISIS has taken over?  Who changes the bulbs, cleans the filters and makes sure the dams are functioning correctly?

Good question!

Today we read that the Mosul, Iraq dam may be in serious trouble.  If it malfunctions or breaks the US is warning that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis could be wiped out.

US warns of 'tsunami wave' across Iraq if the Mosul Dam collapses

Iraq's Mosul Dam faces "unprecedented" risk of a "catastrophic failure" that would unleash a wave of water which could flatten cities and kill hundreds of thousands within hours, the US has said.
The American government issued an unusually stark warning of the horrors that face Iraq if the dam gives way, describing a "tsunami-like wave" that would crush nearly a third of the country.

Iraq's power grid could be entirely knocked out and parts of major cities would be underwater for weeks like areas of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, the US said.

The Iraqi government would be unable to direct an evacuation because Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) still controls much of the territory near the dam and so people need to prepare to evacuate on their own, the US said.

The dam was built in 1984 but has fallen into severe disrepair over decades of dictatorship, war and instability in Iraq. The government has struggled to convince foreign companies to take up a contract to maintain the dam while fighting with Isil rages nearby.

The US embassy in Baghdad said long-running deterioration meant the danger was now at an "unprecedented" level.

While there was "no specific information that indicates when a breach might occur", the US said Iraq's government should begin setting up an emergency notification system to warn the roughly 1.5 million people in the flood path.

"Mosul Dam faces a serious and unprecedented risk of catastrophic failure with little warning," the US said. "A catastrophic breach of Iraq’s Mosul Dam would result in severe loss of life, mass population displacement, and destruction of the majority of the infrastructure within the path of the projected floodwave."


Can you even imagine what the carnage and chaos would be if MILLIONS of Iraqis are left without electricity and decide to try and make their way to a "better life" in Europe??

If this one dam breaks....we could see a refugee crisis that makes the current one seem like child's play.

Many times I hear people in America say, "What the heck do we care about ISIS killing Muslims over there!!  It's not our problem!!  Let them figure it out!"

If that dam breaks could very well end up being our problem in that we will be forced to figure out what to do about millions more people who now have no food, no water, no clothes, no home and no electricity.

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