
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Black Police Officer Appalled at Trump Protesters

Hey friends, I realize I have been posting an awful lot about Presidential election candidates, BUT the Bible does have an awful lot to say about leaders of nations, good and bad.  So while we all ponder that America seems to be on a down slide, we will keep blogging about the news surrounding the increased divisiveness that seems to be boiling to the surface during this election cycle.

With that being said...why does it seem that it's the liberal fringe who keeps showing up at Donald Trump rallies and picking fights?  Why is it that conservatives aren't heckling Hillary and Bernie as we watch an admitted Socialist spout his utopian promises...all of which are lies?

Today we find a Washington Post article about a black, off-duty police officer who went to a Trump rally in AZ.  He went to find out what was going on and reports that the protesters he witnessed were the "most hateful, evil people I have ever seen."

The protesters were the problem, Tatum said.

“These people were acting so outrageous,” he said in the video, which went viral after it was uploaded to Facebook. “You were just thinking that somebody was going to lose their temper and there was going to be a full brawl.”

Tatum said he went to the rally at the Tucson Arena dressed in civilian clothes — a black shirt and khakis — to hear what Trump had to say.

The officer first met some peaceful protesters and stopped to “see their point of view.”

But at the door, he said, protesters were “verbally violent” — shouting “black lives matter,” holding up their middle fingers and screaming “f— Donald Trump.”

“I could not believe what I saw,” said Tatum, who is African American.

Someone in the crowd was wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood, Tatum said, and people were “cussing and screaming” and tackling one another to the ground.

A mother was covering her child’s ears, said Tatum, a former spokesman for the police department who is now a patrol officer. (A Tuscon police dispatcher confirmed Tatum’s employment with the department.)

“People were directly yelling at me as if I’m a criminal, and all I’m trying to do is just hear what the man has to say,” Tatum said in the video.

He added: “I thought I was going to have to punch a couple of people in self-defense.”


As I watch the nation fight between liberals and conservatives....I am reminded of Jesus' words when he says, "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."

It honestly makes me wonder, if the Lord tarries, could America be on the verge of another civil war?

At what point do conservatives and liberals just draw lines and say, "All you socialists and folks who refuse to work and love to claim "victim" take the East Coast and the West Coast.....while all the folks who believe in personal responsibility, hard work and fear The Lord...we will take the Dakotas south through Texas to the Gulf of Mexico.  Any questions?"

Yes, I realize that as a Minnesotan, we would have to cede our state to the liberals, atheists and socialists.....but I actually really like South Dakota!  I always have!!

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