
Friday, March 25, 2016

College Students Terrified by Chalk Writing

This latest news out of College Town USA is hard to believe....if you didn't read it with your own two eyes.

Evidently, someone took chalk on the steps of a college campus in Atlanta and wrote, "Trump 2016".

The liberal college students are now terrified and appalled that there could actually be a Trump supporter walking around on campus!!  They are demanding the administration DO SOMETHING to punish the Trump supporter.

Students protested yesterday at the Emory Administration Building following a series of overnight, apparent pro-Donald Trump for president chalkings throughout campus.

Roughly 40 students gathered shortly after 4:30 p.m. in the outdoors space between the Administration Building and Goodrich C. White Hall; many students carried signs featuring slogans such as “Stop Trump” or “Stop Hate” and an antiphonal chant addressed to University administration, led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” throughout the Quad. Peraza opened the door to the Administration Building and students moved forward towards the door, shouting “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” 

After approximately ten minutes outside from the start of the demonstration, the gathered students were ushered into the Quad-facing entrance to the Administration Building and quickly filled a staircase to continue their demonstration. Pausing in the staircase, a few students shared their initial, personal reactions to the chalkings.

“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” one student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she added.

A short time later, students moved into the Henry L. Bowden Board Room, surrounding the long table that dominates its center, the students themselves surrounded by portraits of Emory University’s former presidents.

“What are we feeling?” Peraza asked those assembled. Responses of “frustration” and “fear” came from around the room, but individual students soon began to offer more detailed, personal reactions to feelings of racial tension that Trump and his ideology bring to the fore.

“How can you not [disavow Trump] when Trump’s platform and his values undermine Emory’s values that I believe are diversity and inclusivity when they are obviously not [something that Trump supports]” one student said tearfully. “Banning Muslims? How is that something Emory supports?” asked yet another.


Terrifying!!  The students don't feel safe on their own campus!!  A Trump supporter in their very midst?!?  And he used CHALK without approval!!

Chalk will be banned from college until further notice.

Fox News also picked up on this piece.



If our country's future leaders are being made at Emory....and they are terrified and feel unsafe because of chalk writings supporting the GOP frontrunner....we are ALL in a serious heap of trouble.

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