
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Christians Viewed as Extremists

Did you ever imagine you would see the day when millions of Americans believe that Bible-believing Christians are "extremists"?

Are you a religious extremist?  For years, world leaders have been endlessly proclaiming that we need to eradicate "extremism", but what actually is "extremism"?  

Many would point to the ISIS jihadists over in the Middle East that are beheading people that don t agree with them as examples of religious extremists, and I think that very few people would argue with that.  But our politicians (especially the liberal ones) rarely use the term "Islamic terrorists" anymore.  Instead, they tend to use the term "religious extremists", and that has a much, much broader connotation.  In fact, if you are a Bible-believing Christian, you are probably included in that category.

Most Bible-believing Christians would never think of themselves as being similar to radical jihadists in the Middle East, but that is precisely how many of their fellow Americans very them.  The Barna Group has just released a shocking new study which found that 45 percent of all "non-religious" Americans believe that "Christianity is extremist"...

The perception that the Christian faith is extreme is now firmly entrenched among the nation s non-Christians. A full forty-five percent of atheists, agnostics, and religiously unaffiliated in America agree with the statement "Christianity is extremist." Almost as troubling is the fact that only 14 percent of atheists and agnostics strongly disagree that Christianity is extremist. The remaining four in ten (41%) disagree only somewhat. So even non-Christians who are reluctant to fully label Christianity as extremist, still harbor some hesitations and negative perceptions toward the religion.

Even more troubling is what the study discovered about how the general population views specific religious activities.  There has been a tremendous shift in society, and behaviors that were considered to be completely mainstream a few decades ago are now considered to be extremism .


It's really not surprising the number of atheists that we have in America.  I'm actually surprised we don't have more.  We send millions of kids to public schools and universities over these past 40 years where they are taught that humans evolved from rocks, water and time.  The commandments from God and the teachings of Jesus no longer have ANY place in our public schools.  And even if the kids do get to church one hour per many of them are attending Bible-believing churches where the entire Word of God is being taught and preached??

The Bible actually teaches that one way God reveals Himself is through creation.  All men can look around at their surroundings and realize that a infinitely powerful Creator created everything we see.

When men refuse to accept even that basic revelation....then they can spiral into foolishness and godlessness pretty fast.

Romans 1
20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

Friends, we Bible-believers in America are very quickly being overrun with futile thinkers and fools! How long can it be before we in the tiny minority?  How long before we start losing jobs because the word gets out that we are one of those "intolerant, Bible-banging, bigots"?

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