
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Worst Drought in 900 Years

The Bible said that as the Last Days draws comes upon us that drought and famine would be one of the signs.

We saw this headline on Google News and thought it was extreme enough to be blog-worthy.

The worst drought in 900 years helped spark Syria's civil war

The drought that played a role in triggering the catastrophic Syrian Civil War was the worst such climate event in at least the past 900 years, according to a new study published this week. 

The study bolsters the conclusions from other research that found that because of human-made global warming, the drought was made three times more likely to occur, and that it was one of a number of factors that led to the outbreak of hostilities in 2011. 

The new study examined tree-ring records showing the annual precipitation history from recent years back to the year 1100, across an area stretching from southern Europe to northern Africa to the Levant region of the Middle East. 

The Levant region encompasses Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey.

The study, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, found that in the western Mediterranean, recent droughts have not yet departed from their natural variability, but in the east, including Syria, they have.

The conclusion about the Levant drought in particular increases confidence in computer model projections of future climate conditions.

These projections almost unanimously show a much drier Middle East, northern Africa and Southern Europe, as weather patterns shift in response to a warming climate. 

This is a worrisome prediction for the Pentagon and intelligence community, who see water stress and population growth as two factors that are likely to tip the scale toward more conflict and humanitarian crises in the coming decades.

The roots of the Syrian civil war, which according to a recent estimate has killed at least 470,000 people and helped set in motion one of the most significant human migrations on record, can be traced in part to the drought. The drought, along with other factors, forced about 1.5 million rural residents, including farmers, to urban areas in Syria to look for work, including Aleppo and Damascus. 


What caused the drought?...GLOBAL WARMING!

They go on to partially blame the 470,000 people killed in Syria on....GLOBAL WARMING!

Wait....I thought it was chemical weapons, barrel bombs and Muslim on Muslim violence that killed all those people?

Well...maybe that had something to do with it, says that article...but it can be traced in part to the drought.

Interesting!  Israel has been part of the same drought and they haven't been killing anyone!  In fact they are still exporting fruit all over the world!  Since the Jews came home the desert has been blooming!  That's exactly what the Bible SAID would happen once the Jews got home!

This appears to be another case of the nations who curse God and curse Israel becoming the recipient of God's curses.  Syria is becoming a heap of ruins just like the Bible predicted.

"I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you."--God (not to be confused with Allah of the Koran)

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