
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Nanny Beheads Child for Allah

Before you read this article, please remember that the liberals of the world remind us over and over again that Islam is a wonderful religion of peace!  They tell us that all people who worship a god have the capacity to behead, burn alive, rape, pillage and the name of that god.

Moscow (AFP) - A nanny accused of decapitating a young girl in her care then walking through the street brandishing the head, on Wednesday said "Allah ordered" the killing as she appeared at a Moscow court.

Suspect Gyulchekhra Bobokulova from Muslim-majority Uzbekistan -- whom the press have dubbed "the bloody nanny" -- was detained on Monday as she was waving the child's severed head outside a metro station in northwestern Moscow. She was sent for psychiatric examinations.

"It was what Allah ordered," the 38-year-old told journalists as she was brought into the district court to have her arrest confirmed and extended.

With shoulder-length black hair parted in the centre, she wore a royal blue pinafore over a black tracksuit top.

At times, she smiled, other times she grimaced, flashing a few golden teeth.

Speaking in broken Russian from the suspect's cage, Bobokulova said: "Allah is sending a second prophet to give news of peace" and also complained that she was "hungry", had not been fed and would "die in a week".

"Hi to everyone," said the mother-of-three, waving at the crowd of journalists in the courtroom.

Komsomolskaya Pravda, citing a close family friend, said the live-in nanny had recently become very religious, spent a lot of time online and had brought home a prayer mat.

Bobokulova has been undergoing psychiatric examinations since her detention over the murder of the girl, Nastya, whom the judge said was born in 2011. Investigators had initially estimated she was three or four years old.

She is suspected of butchering the girl, who had suffered from learning disabilities and epilepsy, at the family's apartment in northwestern Moscow, before torching it and fleeing the scene.

Witnesses reported seeing an agitated woman dressed in black who threatened to "blow everyone up," with one media report saying she shouted "Allahu Akbar" -- Arabic for "God is greatest" -- as she paced up and down outside a metro station.


Thank you Yahoo News for translating Allah Akbar for us telling us all that it means "God is greatest!"

The article goes on to mention that maybe the woman is schizophrenic....but we also see that the woman "had recently become very religious"...which means she became very Islamic.

Sadly as we see in the news out of ISIS everyday...when you give your life to Allah and start to do his commands...he may command you to cut off a little girls head!....or burn someone alive in a cage....or strap a bomb to your back and kill 100 people who aren't quite as Muslim as you are!

I'm not sure how many horrendous acts need to be committed in Allah's name for the liberals of this world to understand that Islam is not a religion of peace.  10,000?  100,000?  1,000,000?

"If you are not for me you are against me."--Jesus

Yep!  Simple enough!  Allah and Islam are not FOR Jesus....which means they are doing the bidding of the Evil One.

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