
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Majority of U.S. Voters Now Support Ban on Muslims

Have you guys seen the picture being emailed around with a big gumball machine?  Under the picture of all the gumballs it says, "10% of these gumballs are how many do you want?"

Of course the reference is to compare the gumballs to the oft quoted statistic that "Only 10% of the world's Muslims are extremist and/or support extremists."

Today we find out that a fair number of Democrats, Independents and Republicans support some type of ban on letting Muslims come unfettered into our FREE country.

Following the terrorist attack in Brussels, a slight majority of Americans now support a ban on Muslims entering the United States and think “the religion of peace” is a fundamentally violent religion.

In a poll conducted from March 24-25, YouGov asked 1,000 Americans whether they support Republican presidential Donald Trump’s proposal to enact a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

The poll found 30 percent of Americans “strongly agree” with a shutdown of Muslims entering the United States while 21 percent “agree somewhat” with the proposal.

In total, the poll shows 51 percent of Americans favor a shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.

Support for the proposal is partisan, with only 32 percent of Democrats supporting it compared to 52 percent of Independents and 82 percent of Republicans.


Friends, please remember that the Muslims are lost.  They don't know Jesus and they are currently on the "wide road that leads to destruction."  They need Christ, just like we do, and are hungry to hear the Gospel story. So personally, we are all supposed to scatter seed and use love to draw people to us so we have the chance to scatter that seed.  If your neighbor or co-worker is a Muslim, please don't treat him with disdain, prejudice or suspicion.  If you do, there's a good chance that YOU won't get the opportunity to present the Gospel to him.

BUT...nations operated under different rules that individuals.  Nations need to have borders, immigration limits, border fences, border patrols and they also need to understand WHO is seeking to come into this nation.

When 99.9% of terrorist attacks over the past 15 years have been committed by people saying "Allah akbar!" before they shoot, murder or blow themselves up.....isn't it common sense to want to take a hard look at WHO SAYS ALLAH AKBAR before we allow them into America and put them on the path to citizenship?

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