
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Erupting Volcanoes Created Life?

Today we find an article from the Christian Science Monitor and it claims right in the headline how erupting volcanoes gave rise to life!

Really??  This should be good!...coming from a "Christian" magazine and all!

It took an ice age and the action of underwater volcanoes to create animal life on Earth, according to new research.

About 720 to 640 million years ago, the planet was in a phase descriptively known as Snowball Earth, during which most of the surface was covered in ice for tens of millions of years. But beneath the ice, underwater volcanoes were erupting, and creating new chemical reactions, according to a study published Monday in Nature Geoscience.

Geoscientists have long wondered "how and why the ocean chemistry changed as the ice suddenly melted," lead author Thomas Gernon writes in a commentary of his findings. 

The study, published with colleagues from the University of Southampton, sought to answer these questions and found that erupting underwater volcanoes during Snowball Earth played a key part in the planet's dramatic change.

Another consequence of Rodinia's breakup was the formation of tens of thousands of kilometers of underwater ridges, according to the researchers. While spewing lava was pushing Earth out of its ice age, it was also chemically reacting with the icy ocean: calcium, magnesium, silica and, the researchers think, even phosphorus were released.

Dr. Gernon writes that during this extreme climate phase on Earth, one would hardly expect complex life forms to be taking shape, and yet, this is what occurred.

The results of the study help explain the presence of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere and oceans, the building block that allowed animal life to evolve from single-celled organisms into animals.

"Before Snowball Earth, most living organisms in the sea were free-floating bacteria consisting of just one cell," he writes. But high phosphorus levels, triggered by the underwater volcanoes, would have stimulated the production of multicellular organisms such as algae in the ocean.


Wait....what?  "most living organisms in the sea were free-floating bacteria..."  SO WHERE DID THAT LIFE COME FROM??

Of course the article conveniently skips over that HUGE, GAPING chasm!

I guess we just have to take a huge leap of faith and believe this scientist....that single cell life simply kept evolving in the sea....until it got sick of living there....and became a lizard, then a mouse, then a cat, then a monkey, then a man!!

It makes perfect sense!  Thank you Christian Science Monitor for so clearly explaining to us how our great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was a single cell bacteria floating in the sea!!

Wow!  Talk about delusion!

I thought SCIENCE meant something that was observable and testable....not some dude giving us his theory!  And yet I'm sure thousands of kids will be given this article and told of its "scientific" reality.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

Once you harden your heart against that fact....your heart can be hardened against all the other truths that the Bible has to offer us...truths about sin, wretchedness, selfishness and perversion.  Sins that ALL REQUIRE THE NEED OF A SAVIOR!

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