
Thursday, March 31, 2016

UN Names Israel as Top Human Rights Violator

As the headline says, "You can't make it up!"

With Muslims chopping heads, burning people alive, raping, torturing all through the Middle East...the UN took time from it's busy day to name Israel (the only free democracy in the Middle East) as the top offenders!

According to the United Nations, the most evil country in the world today is Israel. 

On March 24, 2016, the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) wrapped up its annual meeting in New York by condemning only one country for violating women’s rights anywhere on the planet – Israel, for violating the rights of Palestinian women. 

On the same day, the U.N. Human Rights Council concluded its month-long session in Geneva by condemning Israel five times more than any other of the 192 UN member states. 

There were five Council resolutions on Israel.  One each on the likes of hellish countries like Syria, North Korea and Iran.  Libya got an offer of “technical assistance.”  And countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia and China were among the 95 percent of states that were never mentioned. 

No slander is deemed too vile for the U.N. human rights bodies that routinely listen to highly orchestrated Palestinian versions of the ancient blood libel against the Jews.

Picture these real-life scenes:

In Geneva’s grand U.N. “Human Rights” Council chamber, 750 people assembled, pounced on the Jewish state, broadcast the spectacle online, and produced hundreds of articles and interviews in dozens of languages championing the results.

On the ground, Israelis are being hacked to death on the streets, stabbed in buses, slaughtered in synagogues, mowed down with automobiles, and shot in front of their children.

At the New York’s UN headquarters, 8,100 NGO representatives gathered from all corners of the globe, in addition to government delegates, and watched the weight of the entire world of women’s rights descend on only one country.

On the ground, Palestinian women are murdered and subjugated for the sake of male honor, Saudi women can’t drive, Iranian women are stoned to death for so-called “adultery,” Egyptian women have their genitals mutilated and Sudanese women give birth in prison with their legs shackled for being Christian.

Isn’t it about time that people stopped calling the U.N. a harmless international salon or a bad joke?


This appears as simply more evidence that The World (all of it under control of the Evil One) has a supernatural hate for God's chosen people, the Jews.  Satan hates Jews and he hates Israel.  He spends a huge amount of time figuring out ways to convince the world that we would all be better off if Israel was removed as a that the Jews would once more be scattered all around and once again, have no nation-state to protect them.

Of course, this won't happen.  God clearly says in His Word that once the Jews are brought back to their land and the nation of Israel reformed, that it will NEVER be totally destroyed again.

The nation of Israel will still be standing, by the help of God, when Jesus returns at Armageddon.

Hat tip to Todd K.

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