
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Muslims Blow Up Brussels

The top news this morning is that highly organized suicide bombers blew up in Brussels and have shut down the airport and subway system.

Of course we all know these were Muslims, and most likely, they said "Allah Akbar!" right before they blew themselves up....but watch how NBC News can't bring itself to say MUSLIM or ISLAMIC in their initial report from around 8:30 this morning.

Brussels went into lockdown on Tuesday after a series of explosions rocked the city's airport and subway, leaving at least 31 dead in what appeared to be a coordinated attack.

Officials raised the terror threat level, shut down all public transport in the Belgian capital and advised locals to stay indoors after the blasts, which also wounded dozens — including at least three Americans.

Belgium's federal prosecutor said one of two explosions at the airport was likely caused by a suicide bomber and that all three blasts were acts of terrorism.

Prime Minister Charles Michel called Tuesday a "dark moment for our country" and world leaders swiftly pledged solidarity with Belgium.

The attacks followed a flurry of counterterrorism activity in Brussels and a raid Friday that captured Europe's most wanted man — Salah Abdeslam — in connection with the Paris terror attacks.

The Associated Press quoted the city's mayor as saying the explosion at Maalbeek metro station killed 20 people. The country's ministry of health confirmed that at least 11 people had been killed at the airport.

The first blast hit the airport's departures hall at around 8 a.m. local time (3 a.m. ET) and was quickly followed by a second explosion, sending passengers fleeing.

Pictures from the smoky terminal showed bloodied victims, shattered glass and debris.

A security source told NBC News that one of the airport explosions happened in Departure Hall 1, which is used by international carriers including American Airlines. The carrier said none of its employees or crew had been injured by the blasts.

Eyewitness Jef Versele was checking in for a business trip to Rome when he heard an explosion.

"Soon after that one a second one hit — and everything came down," he told NBC News. "There was dust everywhere, glass everywhere, there was chaos. There were people on the floor everywhere. The roofing came down. It was quite a mess."

Belgium's foreign minister said following Abdeslam's arrest that the suspect had been planning to "restart something" in Brussels — the suggestion of a new attack that was taken all the more seriously given the large amounts of heavy weapons found during his arrest.

There was no formal claim of responsibility for Tuesday's blasts — and one senior European counter-terrorism official told NBC News that authorities were scrambling to determine who was behind the assault.

"We have no clue yet," the official told NBC News. "Right now, we are trying to mount a defense."


Of course the most wanted Muslim in Europe was just arrested in Brussels just a few days ago.  People are still trying to fathom how he could be hiding right in downtown Brussels only 1/2 mile from his parent's house!!

Why wouldn't someone turn him in??

Because he was being hidden in a massive Muslim neighborhood filled with Muslims who actually sympathize with the Islamic terrorists that blew up Paris and murdered dozens of folks last fall!

Europe is in trouble friends.  They have become so politically correct and so full of tree-huggers, socialists and gun control freaks....that they can't even bear to name who their enemy is!!

The Bible says that in the Last Days there will be a consortium of 10 nations and that they will be led by some form of the revived Roman empire.  The Antichrist will one day step in and take the helm of leadership for this empire.  Let's watch and see if the European Union doesn't start to crumble apart....and end up with 10 nations in it.

Of course WE FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST may never see this come to fruition....because we may be gone before it plays out.

Remember, there is NOTHING that has to happen that precedes the rapture of the church!  It is the next thing to happen on God's prophetic calendar.  So encourage each other with these words!

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