
Monday, March 21, 2016

Will This Trigger WWIII?

According to this article from Russian News, the USA is beginning to stockpile ammo and weapons in the Asian theater to confront an increasingly aggressive China and Russia.

The headline of the article suggests this could be one other marker that the world seems on the edge of WWIII.

On Wednesday, the US Army announced that it plans to stockpile munitions and military supplies in Vietnam, Cambodia, and several other undisclosed nations including, experts believe, the Philippines, as the US adopts an increasingly aggressive military posture toward China.

US officials state that the munitions caches, placed within areas China considers to be within its "sphere of influence," are necessary to respond to regional "threats" by Russia and North Korea, and allow for more rapid deployment. 

Army Material Command Chief Gen. Dennis Via emphasized that, in addition to munitions, the sites will contain Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) supplies. The decision to place an American Army cache within Vietnam, the site of a bloody and largely unnecessary US war that ended in 1975, is a startling turn of events that has left Beijing incensed.

The move comes in response to what the US has alleged are repeated steps by China to militarize the region in what is seen as a push to dominate the South China Sea.

Former CIA chief General Michael Hayden expressed the need to expand US influence in the South China Sea, in an effort to contain Chinese expansion. Hayden suggested that to mishandle the rise of China "would be catastrophic."

Not everybody sees the wisdom of President Obama’s move. Washington Post opinion writer David Ignatius on Wednesday published the headline, "The US is heading toward a dangerous showdown with China," in which he cites former assistant secretary of state for Asia Kurt Campbell expressing concern that the Obama administration’s posturing could trigger World War III.

Campbell was quoted as saying, "This isn’t Pearl Harbor, but if people on all sides aren’t careful, it could be ‘The Guns of August,’" referring to Barbara Tuchman’s seminal book detailing the chain of events that led to World War I. He accuses President Obama of once again engaging in brinksmanship, suggesting that efforts to force China to exercise restraint in the region are turning into "another red line moment."

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No doubt, we can file this one under "wars and rumors of war".

The USA is in no mood to spill a bunch of blood and spend our treasure.  Team Obama seems to enjoy talking tough and making RED LINES that, if crossed, will bring the full wrath of the US Military raining down!

But the despots and ner'-do-wells on planet earth have come to realize that Obama prefers to talk tough, draw red lines but isn't serious about those lines not being crossed.  He proved his idle, big-talk ways when he drew a red line in the sand and told the folks fighting in Syria they better not cross it by using chemical weapons.

Since that famous red line was drawn, chemical weapons have been used in Syria over 600 times and yet Obama has no plans to make someone pay the consequences.

There can be NO DOUBT that the world and it's governments are like a game of 4-dimensional chess!  It you move one piece to benefit one nation, you end up getting 5 other nations so mad they want to cut political ties!!

This inability for the nations to bond together and come up with any lasting peace ideas should be one other sign of how close we are to the return of Jesus.  The nations are like iron and clay that refuse to bond.  Jesus is the smiting stone that gets cut out a rock and returns to smash all the nations apart and build a new form of Godly government that will reign for 1000 years!

Daniel 2
42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.

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