
Friday, April 15, 2016

Four Major Quakes Strike in 48 Hours

Japan had a big quake yesterday.  It's being reported there was major damage and 9 people died. Other big quakes happened in the same region.  Now some scientists are saying this increased frequency of quakes is a warning of the BIG ONE that might be just around the corner.

Scientists fear 'the Big One' is COMING as FOUR major earthquakes strike in 48 hours

There have been three large earthquakes recorded in recent days, including a major one in southern Japan which destroyed buildings and left at least 45 people injured, after Myanmar was rocked on Wednesday.

Tremors were also felt as far as 500 miles away at the national park in India where the Royal couple Kate and William were visiting.

Yesterday, The Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital confirmed 45 were injured, including five with serious injuries after a quake of magnitude 6.2 to 6.5 and a series of strong aftershocks ripped through Kumamoto city.

Several buildings were damaged or destroyed and at least six people are believed to be trapped under homes in Mashiki. Local reports said one woman was rescued in a critical condition 

Scientists say there has been an above average number of significant earthquakes across south Asia and the Pacific since the start of the year.

The increased frequency has sparked fears of a repeat of the Nepal quake of 2015, where 8,000 people died, or even worse.

Roger Bilham, seismologist of University of Colorado, said: "The current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude. 

"And if they delay, the strain accumulated during the centuries provokes more catastrophic mega earthquakes."


Of course Jesus told us to watch for an increase of earthquakes in various places.  He said that these quakes would be one more sign, added to others, that give us an idea of how close  His return to earth is.

He also said they would be like birth pangs giving us the warning that something REALLY BIG was going to come.

So think about it...there is no doubt that we are hearing of bigger quakes...and they are getting stronger and stronger and more frequent....what might this be leading up to?

Of course we know it is leading up to the biggest quake that the earth will EVER have!!

Revelation 16:18 
Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.

1 comment:

  1. That "biggest ever" earthquake already happened at the time of Jesus' crucifixion, which was the most important event of all human history. The parallels between Matthew 27 and Revelation 16 are incredible.

    God bless you.
