
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Rich Folks Are Buying Armageddon Bunkers

Just another reminder....we are just posting headlines that we find in the daily news.  We don't make any claim that all the headlines are true.  It's just the headlines that people are talking about.

So today we see this headline that reports that rich folks, and the "elite", are buying underground bunkers.


Because they see civil unrest coming.

One company is catering to this fear and reportedly selling lots of bunkers to lots of folks.

The company behind the construction of the sprawling complexes, Vivos, says the facilities are for the “protection of high net worth individuals” in the event of apocalyptic-style scenarios during which “millions will perish or worse yet, struggle to survive as victims”.

“Where will you go when pandemonium strikes?” asks a promo for the luxury shelters.

The biggest facility, called Europa One, is located in Germany and is “one of the most fortified and massive underground survival shelters on Earth, deep below a limestone mountain” and is “safely secured from the general public, behind sealed and secured walls, gates and blast doors”.

Journalist Lynn Parramore said she also visited another site in Indiana which is a former Cold War communications facility.

“Built during the Cold War to withstand a 20 megaton blast, within just a few miles, this impervious underground complex accommodates up to 80 people, for a minimum of one year of fully autonomous survival, without needing to return to the surface,” states a promo for the bunker on the Vivos website.

The main selling point is the location of the facility, which is a “safe distance away from the New Madrid fault line” and therefore a good hideaway to escape a “tsunami-type event”.
“You go underground and it feels like you’re in a very nice hotel,” said Parramore.


As we read this article we are reminded of the passage in Revelation.

Revelation 6
15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us[f] from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

When The Lord returns, there will be people hiding in caves.  Could this be a reference to these bunkers that the generals, princes, rich and mighty folks are all hiding in?  Could they be in hiding from the chaos and plagues that will overtake the earth during the Great Tribulation?

If you are reading this and you don't know Jesus Christ as your is a good day to get right with The Lord.  No one knows what tomorrow brings.  All men and women are sinners and are in rebellion to God their Creator.  The ONLY refuge from the wrath that WILL COME is to be safely protected behind the guy who is bringing that wrath of The Lamb...Jesus Christ.

A bunker, a cave or a crack in the mountain WILL NOT SAVE YOU.

"But Dennis!  I don't like this story!  Surely there has to be a number of ways we can save ourselves from future unrest and calamity!  I've been a pretty good person most of my life!"

"All have sinned and fallen short."

"I am the way, the truth and the life.  NO MAN comes to the Father except through me."--Jesus

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