
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Could Russia Destroy America in One Hour?

I'm reading a book about what the next war in the Middle East could look like.  It specifically drills down deep into the Ezekiel 38-39 war.  He spends a fair amount of time making the case the Russia is Magog and that they may be attacking America as part of that prophecy....and catch us totally unprepared.

Catch the part about Russia destroying us in one hour.

Here is one excerpt

This vantage point allows us to zero in on what really is at stake in Syria. The United States continues to advance “the Great Game” of the nineteenth century, which was played between the Lion of Great Britain and the Bear of Russia. In the twenty-first century, the game continues. But now it is the United States primarily (with limited support from the U.K.) that seeks to offset the power of Russia, run through the “kleptocracy” of Mr. Putin and his cronies (aka oligarchy).

The United States is not the sole superpower anymore. The White House would like to think that is so because it’s economically the world’s superpower. But the economy alone “does not a superpower make.” Because of advances in Russian military weapons, and because of its longer-term strategy, the U.S. stands in danger of attack from Russia through Russia’s reinvigorated and highly capable nuclear arsenal. Russia’s military could destroy the U.S. economy in less than one hour. Nuclear weapons are “the great equalizer.” Likewise, U.S. superiority in the number of naval vessels, aircraft carrier groups, and nuclear submarines can all be marginalized by newly announced hypersonic weapons that both Russia and China have that make our carriers and submarines risky places to spend your days and nights when World War commences. (See The New Tactics of Global War by Benjamin Baruch and J.R. Nyquist, discussed earlier, for an elaborate discussion on the vulnerability of the U.S. and its military to advances in Russian military technology).

The response of both nations to terrorism drives them face-to-face in a search for long-term answers. Meanwhile, the only short-term answer is to bomb the perpetrators – and that they are doing with a vengeance – now side-by-side with the rest of the world hoping that they literally don’t crash into one another and set off World War III in the process.

That is why the “chess match” underway today between Russia and the United States inextricably connects terrorist acts such as what we witnessed in Paris in November 2015 (and planned by ISIS at their headquarters in Raqqah, Syria[…]”

Excerpt From: S. Douglas Woodward. “The Next Great War In the Middle East.”, 2016-01-21. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Now, let's go to the book of Revelation and read in Chapter 18:

“‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
    you mighty city of Babylon!

In one hour your doom has come!’

The author makes a very interesting case that America is the head of the Mystery Babylon financial system....and it is America who is attacked in the Last Days and our entire system gets destroyed by someone in one hour.

Also, check out this news coming out today about a Russian jet doing a practice attack on a U.S. Navy Ship....

Two Russian warplanes flew "simulated attack profiles" this week near an American guided missile destroyer in international waters off Russia, US officials say.

The apparently unarmed Russian Su-24 jets came so close to the USS Donald Cook they created "a wake in the water", the unnamed officials said.

The overflights are said to have occurred on Monday and Tuesday and were described by US officials as "more aggressive than anything we've seen in some time".

On 11 April, two Russian Su-24s made 20 passes of the US Navy ship, according to the officials, passing within 1,000 yards at an altitude of just 100 feet.


Will God one day allow America to be destroyed by Russia?

We have no idea, but as we have said, God is NO RESPECTER OF NATIONS.  He sets up and tears down any whom He wishes to accomplish His purposes....and that includes the USA.

I believe it is all of our blessed hopes that the rapture happens before this....but we need to be reconciling ourselves to be spiritually prepared for any chaotic or cataclysmic happening that could be coming our way.  After all, we are promised that the wrath of God will never be poured out on us but at the same time are promised that the world will hate us and that we WILL HAVE TROUBLES as long as we are on this cursed planet.

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