
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

People Insist they are BORN with Incestuous Desires

When we read the story of a woman being sexually attracted to her son...we may at first be grossed out!....but hold on there!! turns out these folks were born that way!  They have something in their DNA called GSA (Genetic Sexual Attraction)

I can see the protesters forming now....demanding equal rights and zero discrimination for those who are born with GSA!

Disgusted by incest? Genetic Sexual Attraction is real and on the rise

Isn’t it disgusting? Isn’t it funny? The woman who fell in love with her son.

But laugh I did not, as I read the tale of Kim West – the 51-year-old who entered a romantic relationship with her child 30 years after giving him up for adoption.

Her story was splashed over the newspapers last week after she revealed how a reunion between the pair sparked an intense romance. Now they want to get married and start a family.

No one had their confetti ready though.
Across the internet, West and her toy boy lover were treated as circus freaks, called “sick on every level”. Some even demanded that West be sectioned and now it’s emerged they’ve gone into hiding fearing a jail sentence.

It’s interesting that the public was so outraged, because the couple’s story is far from unique. In fact, a number of family romances have emerged over the last decade – and I can’t see them stopping any time soon. There have been cases of grandparents settling down with grandchildren, fathers and daughters in love, and even twins twinned up.

What makes all these relationships tick isn’t love, or looks, or destiny, but – more likely – Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA). It’s the phenomenon no one wants to talk about - because it raises a taboo topic: incest.

But it’s real – and with advances in fertility options, something we need to get our heads round. Fast.

GSA describes a powerful sexual attraction that occurs when biological relatives – parent and offspring, siblings or half siblings or first and second cousins – meet for the first time as adults. It was first identified in the 1980s by Barbara Gonyo, who fell madly in love with her son. After they reunited in adulthood, Gonyo struggled for 13 years to break off feelings for him.

That’s what GSA is: a struggle. When people criticise West, they overestimate her degree of control in the situation. Often GSA sufferers feel powerless – as if their feelings are impossible to change. There have been heartbreaking cases of families broken apart by GSA. It’s an affliction; a curse for all those involved.

Instead of mocking this tale of motherly love (gone too far), I wish people though of West as an opportunity to consider GSA, and how we can prevent and treat it in the future. Those who succumb to GSA are not sickos, or freaks, but victims who desperately need help and understanding. Their feelings are not controllable, but with scientific research and support, we can give them some degree in control over this devastating affliction. And stop the cases we know are bound to come and keep coming.


Yes!!  It's a curse!!  The curse on the whole world is called SIN!!!

I don't care if you are born with the desire to have sex with animals, your sister, your brother's wife or your mother!!'s all called sin and perversion!!

But please notice that soon, if the GSA advocates get their way, it will be a hate crime to roll your nose at those afflicted with GSA.

Soon the lawmakers and supreme court may strike down the centuries old taboo of incest.

Why not?  They struck down the discrimination against gays marrying.  Who are YOU to say that a man and woman in love shouldn't be able to marry??  Are you a hater?  Are you an incestaphobe??

Here is another article on the same topic....but this one quotes the mother and son who say the sex they are having is 'incredible'.  Thanks for sharing!!

A mother reunited with the son she gave up for adoption 30 years ago says now they’re in love - and trying for a baby together.

Kim West, 51, has been in a relationship with her biological son Ben Ford, 32, for two years and believe they are ‘meant to be’ after she was forced to give him up for adoption just a week after he was born.

But the couple, who say their sex life is ‘incredible’ and are planning to get married, insist their relationship is not incest, the New Day reports.

Instead they claim it is ‘Genetic Sexual Attraction’, a term used for relatives who feel sexual attraction for each other after meeting as adults.

The couple were brought together after Ben, who was living in the US, sent his England-born mum a letter out of the blue in 2013.

Two years before Ben had married his wife Victoria, who he later split up with to be in a relationship with his mum.


Hat tip to Todd K. and Drudge Guy

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