
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Is Yellowstone About to Erupt?

Along with all the big earthquakes happening the world's volcanoes also seem to be scientists say the seismic and volcanic activity must be related.  Makes sense.

Many of you know that one of the most massive volcanoes in the world lies in Yellowstone National Park on the borders of WY, MT and ID.  Old Faithful geyser is there and is caused by spring water rushing into a crevice and then super heated by the magma close under the surface.

According to this next article there have been thousands of quakes in the Yellowstone area over the past 5-6 years and now the ground is steaming where people have never seen it steam before.  Also the entire park is said to have raised up by some inches as scientists say the magma pressure is literally pushing the earth up into a dome.

If Yellowstone blows...scientists tell us that the explosion and the ash cloud and fallout that follows would be an extinction level event for America.

Terrifying new footage shows steam and ash rising beneath the surface of the 2,805m tall volcano in Wyoming, US, fuelling fresh concern it could be about to blow.

The massive volcano last erupted 70,000 years ago but a recent unexpected spike in seismic activity around the globe, which has resulted in devastating earthquakes in Asia and Ecuador in the last week, has unsettled nerves.

And now a video, uploaded to YouTube by user KatMartin2016, has emerged shows the super volcano simmering and with bright flashes of volcanic activity, especially on the far left of the screen.

The publisher wrote alongside the video: “There are places steaming I have never seen steam before….and also note that the bright ground is back. 

“There are no shadows, so it is not from above! As you know the cameras were froze up last night, so we could not see what was going ….or so we thought LOL…I found a way.

If the volcano were to erupt, it could cause global catastrophe, particularly in the US where two-thirds of the country would become immediately uninhabitable as the large spew of ash into the atmosphere would block out sunlight and directly effecting life beneath it.


I always think of the verse, "As they were saying 'peace and safety", destruction came on them suddenly," as I read these articles about meteors, massive quakes, tsunamis and volcanoes.

Here in America we don't think anything majorly bad could EVER happen to America....because we are America!

But clearly we have NO CONTROL over a massive volcanic eruption or massive quake ripping the nation in half along the New Madrid Fault.

I do know that if God wants to curse America as we continue to curse Israel....He has plenty of ways he could knock the stool right out from under our feet.

The Bible reminds us that a healthy FEAR OF THE LORD is a very good thing for humans to have. And out of the 350,000,000 Americans today, HOW MANY do you think there are who FEAR THE LORD?

I don't think there are too many.

This fact is probably why Jesus told us, "Wide is the road that leads to destruction and MANY will be on it.  Narrow is the path that leads to eternal life and few will find it."

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