
Thursday, April 21, 2016

500 Killed in Shipwreck

People are dying by the thousands as they flee their miserable conditions in Sudan, Somali, Syria, Iraq, etc...

500 just last week.

Make sure to read the last 3 paragraphs below where Melissa Fleming wonders why we can't do massive resettlement into Europe with these (mostly) Muslims....

Up to 500 migrants may have died in a shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea last week when an overcrowded vessel capsized, according to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency.

"My wife and baby drowned in front of me," one of the 41 survivors told the BBC. The migrants, who were fleeing Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and Egypt, had paid a smuggler to take them by boat from Libya's northern coast to Italy.

Rather than feeling relief and joy at seeing dry land in Greece following their rescue, however, the survivors were angry and at first refused to disembark, the BBC reported, because they wanted to reach Italy, not Greece.

Hundreds of thousands of migrants stranded in Greece are set to be turned away under a recent deal struck between the EU and Turkey. The deal has made entering Europe through Greece less viable, squeezing migration flows westward as refugees and migrants seek new routes into Europe.

Instead of the short sea crossing from Turkey to Greece, more migrants are attempting the longer — and more deadly — Libya-to-Italy and Morocco-to-Spain crossings, according to Quartz.

The number of refugees who attempted to cross to Italy during the first three months of 2016 was 85 percent higher than in 2015, Newsweek reported, with 18,795 people so far this year undertaking the voyage that claims the lives of 1 in 92 people who attempt it.

The regular flow of migrants across the Mediterranean is a "new normal," Daniela Segreto, who leads a special initiative for immigration in Sicily, told Quartz. “It’s an unstoppable phenomenon that we can only try and manage."

In a May 2015 Ted Talk, Melissa Fleming, head of communications for UNHCR, recounted the harrowing story of Doaa, a young Syrian refugee who survived for four days floating in the Mediterranean before she was rescued after a similar accident.

Fleming asked: "What if she didn't have to take that risk? Why did she have to go through all that? Why wasn't there a legal way for her to study in Europe? ... Why is there no massive resettlement program for Syrian refugees, the victims of the worst war of our times? The world did this for the Vietnamese in the 1970s. Why not now? Why is there so little investment in the neighboring countries hosting so many refugees? And why, the root question, is so little being done to stop the wars, the persecution and the poverty that is driving so many people to the shores of Europe?

"One thing is for sure, that no refugee would be on those dangerous boats if they could thrive where they are. And no migrant would take that dangerous journey if they had enough food for themselves and their children. And no one would put their life savings in the hands of those notorious smugglers if there was a legal way to migrate."


Ummmm.....because the Vietnamese were willing to come to their host countries and become citizens of their host countries!!....unlike the Muslims from all the countries contributing to the refugee crisis.

I'm sorry, I know the word "dumb" isn't a very nice word....but honestly, so many liberals are so dumb I can't hardly stand it....and clearly, Melissa Fleming is a liberal.  She is totally ignoring the FACT that most Muslims have no intention of converting to Swedish or German....they would rather bring their failed civilization and Satanic religion of Islam into their host countries and DEMAND that they be appeased.  When their numbers get sufficient enough they will demand Shariah law to govern them and will demand that the host country bow to their wishes.

Hey Melissa? would YOU propose stopping the wars, persecution and poverty which is seeding the current refugee crisis?

"Well, I don't like guns at I would send people to all the Muslim countries to talk to them...and I'm sure they would listen to the women I would send them!"

So what would you do if they killed and raped all the women you sent to talk to ISIS?

"Well, I would hope that wouldn't happen...but if it did, I would gather all the musicians of the world to put on a benefit concert for the victims raise money....kind of like WE ARE THE WORLD."


I just wonder how much longer conservatives and liberals are going to be able to co-exist in the same nation?  When you have world views that are SO OPPOSED to each would seem all it would take is a massive crisis in this nation to spark civil unrest....which very well could lead to civil war.

"But Dennis...that could NEVER happen in America!" said someone who texted their way through history class....

1 comment:


    Todd K.
