
Friday, April 22, 2016

NHL Player Suspended for Homophobic Slur

I happened to watch a little of the MN Wild Hockey game the other night on TV.  In between periods I heard the announcers telling of how one of the star players was suspended for making a "homophobic slur" on the ice to some other player.

I can only imagine that in the heat of battle or right before a fight broke out the player said "fag!" or something like it.

So does the NHL have a list of appropriate swearwords that can be used?

"Ok men...gather around.  Here is a partial list of swearwords and disparaging comments you can say while on the ice or during a fist fight with anyone on the other team....You can say Mother f..ker, Jack A.., G-d dammit, Sh.., Whore, pig, hairy ape, anything you think of about the other player's sister, aunt or mother, you can say Jesus Christ, or use the F word in any way you choose as an adjective, noun, verb or proper noun....BUT...if you say fag, faggot, sally, fem-job, queer, gay-boy or will be immediately suspended for one game and will be required by the NHL to take 4 hours of sensitivity training...any questions?  All right then...let's go out their and kick their ass..!"

Incredible!!  It would appear that we have just entered the Twilight Zone....where you can curse God, mother or country...but you best not utter anything offensive about sexual deviants of ANY stripe.

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