
Friday, April 22, 2016

UK Requires All Dogs to Have Microchips

The Bible tells us that one day all people on planet earth who want to buy or sell anything will need to have some sort of mark on (in?) their bodies.  For the past 20 centuries, Bible readers had NO IDEA how that could ever be possible...until today.

We are the VERY FIRST GENERATION to have the technology available to make all the prophesies in Revelation a reality.

Today we read that recently the UK is now requiring that all dogs have a microchip implanted.  The reason given for this is the safety of society and the safety of the dog.

Microchipping of dogs

On 6 April 2016 it will become law for all dogs in the UK to have a microchip - legislation we've actively campaigned for.
The following sections provide information and resources on microchipping:

Responsibilities of the keeper

Get your dog microchipped

It is the keeper's responsibility to ensure their dog is microchipped and registered on one of the authorised commercial databases.

Keep your chip up to date

It is also the keeper's responsibility to keep their contact details up-to-date on the databases.
Where a dog is transferred to a new keeper, the new keeper must, unless the previous keeper has already done so, record their details and any change in the dog’s name with the database on which the dog’s details are recorded.
So....if it turns out this program is good for dogs....when will it also be deemed good for children?  And if it turns out to be good for children....when will it be deemed to be good for all people?
It makes perfect sense!!

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