
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Canadians Evacuate City In Front of Huge Fire

Have you guys heard of the massive fire that is burning a Canadian city to the ground?  Fort McMurray, Alberta has 80,000 people and they all had to be evacuated as a massive forest fire came sweeping into the city.

Residents aren't sure they are going to find ANYTHING left when they return.  Some of calling it the largest, most catastrophic fire to EVER burn Canada.

Fort McMurray residents flee in the largest fire evacuation in Alberta's history

Fort McMurray fire officials are prepared for another challenging day Wednesday as firefighters try to save the oilsands city from a massive wildfire that has destroyed homes and businesses, and forced the largest wildfire evacuation in Alberta’s history. 

Tens of thousands of people have fled north and south.

Fuelled by soaring temperatures that hit 32 C and tinder-dry forest, the fire broached the city limits and by 6:20 p.m. a mandatory evacuation order was issued for the entire city.

“Today has been a devastating day. We have had explosive fire conditions on the landscape brought on by extremely high temperatures” and low relative humidity, Bernie Schmitte, wildfire manager at Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, said Tuesday night during a news conference.

“The fire is still out of control,” Schmitte said. “We have been challenged on many fronts as the fire came through the community. It has entered the community and it has gone through the community.”

Officials have accounted for about 53,000 people, including 17,000 people north of the city, 8,000 in Anzac, 9,000 in Lac La Biche, and 18,000 in Edmonton. Fort McMurray has population of 83,000. “This is not an exact science,” one official said when asked about the discrepancy.

No fatalities or serious injuries have been reported at this time.

Military help has been requested through the province. That assistance will come from the Army and Royal Canadian Air Force. It will take about two days for the military to respond.

There are about 150 firefighters tackling the blaze. Another 70 to 80 firefighters to arrive Wednesday, including fire crews from Edmonton which are being escorted to Fort McMurray by four marked Edmonton Police Service cruisers.


We don't believe there is anything prophetic about this huge fire, but we just continue to watch for the words EVER, NEVER, HISTORIC, RECORD and CATASTROPHIC as we read the news articles and remember what the Bible calls BIRTH PANGS.

It does seem like we are seeing the word EVER more frequently than we have EVER seen it!

PS...this may be something and it may not...but we may want to pay attention to events happening in Canada since they tossed out Stephen Harper (Pro-Israel) and replaced him with uber-liberal, less-than-pro-Israel, Justin Trudeau.  If their nation does start turning on Israel and supporting the "let's destroy Israel" Arab-Muslims....they may see a lot of their nation start to burn, quake, flail and bankrupt as if under a sudden curse.

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