
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Venezuelan Soldiers Steal Goats to Feed Themselves

What happens when a country runs out of much so that they don't even have the money to print more money?  The military ends up stealing people's goats to feed themselves.

The situation in Venezuela has become so bad that even soldiers are struggling to support themselves.

Over the weekend, six members of the Venezuelan military were detained by local authorities for stealing goats, the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional reported Sunday. It said the soldiers confessed to stealing the goats and said they did it to feed themselves, since they had no food left in their barracks.

"It's not a good sign when your military doesn't have enough food, and when the military has been relegated to guarding and protecting food lines," said Jason Marczak, director of the Latin America Economic Growth Initiative at the Atlantic Council. "This is endemic of the problems going on across the country."

Venezuela has been hard hit by food shortages, a dizzying inflation rate of about 181 percent and a collapse in the price of oil — its most critical export.

On the political front, opponents of President Nicolas Maduro won control of the legislature last December from the ruling Socialists for the first time in 16 years. But the newly elected majority, as well as the sitting president, have struggled mightily to contend with the country's economic struggles, trying everything from raising the minimum wage by 30 percent to cutting the work week to four days in order to save electricity. Late last month, Maduro ordered public employees — the bulk of the nation's workforce — to work only two days a week because of drought and an electricity shortage.

"I think we could be at a breaking point," Marczak said. "I think it's important to pay attention to what's going on in Venezuela."


The Bible says the nations will be in distress as The Lord's return nears.  Let's continue to watch what happens in the nations all over the world as our global-paper-money system continues to be under duress.

Let's further imagine what will happen when the world's largest paper-money printer (USA) starts to come under duress.

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