
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Arab-Muslims Kill and Celebations Start in Palestine

Two Arab-Muslim men went into a mall in Tel Aviv yesterday and started yelling ALLAH AKBAR! as they randomly started shooting people to death.

Meanwhile Arab-Muslims in the West Bank heard the news and started celebrating.  It's Ramadan, you know, the high holy days of Islam....and what better way to celebrate Ramadan than to kill Jews?

Four people are dead and six others are wounded after two Palestinian gunmen opened fire at an outdoor food and shopping center in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, according to multiple reports. In response, some Palestinian social media users are celebrating the attacks with Ramadan-related hashtags and memes.

The New York Times reported that the shooters were identified by police as cousins from Yatta, a town south of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. The shootings marked the deadliest terrorist attacks in Tel Aviv since a spate of violence bubbled up in October around several cities in Israel.

“Today’s heinous attack sadly proves that when the international community refuses to condemn terror against Israelis, the next attack is only a matter of time,” said Danny Danon, the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, in a statement, as quoted by CNN. “Terror in Tel Aviv must be treated the same as terror in Paris or Istanbul.”

Some aired their condolences to victims on social media by posting messages with a familiar #JeSuisTelAviv hashtag—a reference to the popular slogan that popped up in the wake of last November’s attacks in Paris. Others, however, showed support for the gunmen by posting pictures on platforms such as Instagram and Twitter carrying the hashtags عملية_رمضان#, which translates to #operation_Ramadan, and افتارناعليكم#, which means #yourIftar_onus. A Vocativ analysis found that the #operation_Ramadan has been used roughly five thousand times already on Twitter alone.


This really shouldn't be a surprise that Arab-Muslims want to kill Jews and destroy they have told us numerous times about their aspirations.  It's a fact that Arab public schools in Gaza and the West Bank start training their kids in pre-school how to hate Jews and that the ultimate glory of their young lives would be to die in jihad after killing as many Jews as possible.  These are facts that any person can see for themselves if they go to YouTube or and look at the videos.

It's a sick, Satanic hatred....and yet the leaders of The West will continue to press Israel to make peace with these poor, disenfranchised, Arab-Muslims....even demanding that Israel give up a bunch of land to give them their own nation!

Bible readers will certainly understand that the very first thing another Arab-Muslim nation on the border of Israel would do....start launching more missiles and continue their unending quest to destroy all Jews and take back the land of Israel for their demon-god, Allah.

The world will continue to turn on Israel and the desire to kill Jews will only grow.  It will come full force during the 2nd half of the final 7 yrs following the peace agreement that AntiChrist will sign with Israel.

Can you see it coming?

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