
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Are Humans Just Actors in Advanced Video Game?

The Bible tells us that God knew us before He made the foundations of the earth.  It also tells us that good works were prepared for us IN ADVANCE of our salvation and then goes on to say that the things we see on earth aren't real...only the things we can't yet see are real.

Wow!  Sounds like maybe we are characters in some type of super advanced video game...designed to have a beginning and an end...the alpha and omega.

This is the 2nd post I have done on this conversation/hypothesis but now Elon Musk is also proposing it made news again.  If you don't know who Elon Musk is then Google him.

Earlier this week, Elon Musk put forward a provocative argument: The odds are overwhelming that we’re characters in an advanced civilization’s computer simulation.

Our own video games have advanced at a rapid pace, from Pong in the 1970s to immersive virtual reality today, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO noted in a Q&A session at Recode’s Code conference:
So given that we’re clearly on a trajectory to have games that are indistinguishable from reality, and those games could be played on any set-top box or on a PC or whatever, and there would probably be billions of such computers or set-top boxes, it would seem to follow that the odds that we’re in base reality is one in billions.

It seems absurd at first reading, but Musk’s theory actually comes from a well-regarded philosopher. Nick Bostrom, a professor at Oxford University, published his computer simulation argument in 2003. He actually argues that one of the following three propositions is true:
Virtually all civilizations at our pace of development will go extinct before they reach the technological capability of creating ultra-realistic video games.

Civilizations with such technological capabilities are uninterested in running such computer simulations.

We are almost certainly characters living in a computer simulation.

As it happens, Bostrom is less convinced than Musk that we’re living in a computer-simulated reality. “My view is that we don’t have strong enough evidence to rule out any of these three possibilities,” he says. But given that “most philosophical academic journal papers languish on shelves in dusty libraries,” Bostrom says it’s flattering to hear his argument espoused by Musk.

Bostrom is currently figuring out the implications of his theory. But he’s not particularly concerned that our reality might be simulated.

“It’s important to understand that it wouldn’t just be in a metaphorical sense that we’re in a simulation, it would be in a very literal sense that we ourselves and all this world around us that we see and hear and smell exists inside a computer built by some advanced civilization,” he says.

“The simulation hypothesis could be very good or very bad depending on what you think the motives of the simulators are—what will happen in the simulation, what will happen after the simulation ends. There are obviously both optimistic and pessimistic possibilities for that.”

Bostrom believes it’s entirely possible that conscious characters could be created inside a computer simulation. Even if it takes hundreds of thousands of years before such a feat is achieved, his argument still holds. And Bostrom doesn’t “see an obvious implication for the question of free will.” In other words, the same questions about agency hold whether we were created by God, the Big Bang, or an extremely sophisticated teenager on a futuristic Xbox.


If we are characters in a video game or electronic would certainly explain a lot of things.  For one it would explain what Paul meant when he said that what we can see during our human lives isn't real, it's only temporary....and what we experience AFTER we leave this life (electronic simulation) is real.

2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

"But Dennis, that's just crazy talk!  You've been watching too many re-runs of the Twilight Zone!"

Maybe...but I didn't say this.  Apostle Paul said it LONG AGO....and science may be just catching up with what the Bible has said all along.

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