
Monday, July 11, 2016

Muslim Leader Hosts Rabbis and Lends His Approval to a Third Temple

Almost weekly we are finding articles that talk about the 3rd Temple being built.

Today we find a very interesting one.

A prominent Turkish Muslim leader hosted a gathering of Israeli rabbis to call for an end of anti-Jewish sentiment in the Islamic world, saying he looks forward to the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

Adnan Oktar welcomed the delegation, including Rabbi Dov Lipman and Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, for an iftar dinner during Ramadan in Istanbul. The dinner included other Muslims and Christian representatives as well.

Lipman, a senior officer of the World Zionist Organization, said he was very pleased by the friendship and goodwill he experienced.

Oktar hosts a live program on the A9 television channel that included his guests from Israel.

Oktar explained that the days when the Prophet Solomon’s Masjid and Palace (Solomon’s Temple) will be rebuilt in an atmosphere of global peace and tranquility are at hand. Abrahamson, a historian and consultant to the Sanhedrin regarding issues related to Islam, emphasized the rebuilding of the Temple is a very good development for all mankind.

Oktar said Muslims, Jews and Christians share many common values and the current opposition was a ploy of Satan. He said people of reason who are full of love should come together and encourage peace.


Do Muslims, Jews and Christians share many common values?

Does the Bible say that during the Great Tribulation there will be a false prophet that will lead the world towards a ONE WORLD RELIGION?

Could the Third Temple be a part of this system?

Could the Antichrist one day step into that Temple and declare that he should be worshiped?  Could the people who refuse to worship him then be hunted down and killed for their refusal?

Watch the Temple Mount friends....something is going on.

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