
Friday, July 8, 2016

Woman and "Unborn Baby" Killed, Killer Charged with Two Counts of Murder

It seems that the "great delusion" that God spoke of in 2nd Thessalonians may be casting it's shadow on America.


Because so many Americans believe that abortion isn't killing a baby...they prefer to call it "removing the fetus" or "terminating the pregnancy," but either way, they would never dream of calling it murder.

So how is it possible that if a man kills a pregnant woman that even liberals will agree he should be charged with two counts of murder?

Or how about if a man murders a pregnant woman who is 12 weeks along, even the liberal media will refer to the baby as "her unborn baby".....yet they won't dare say that abortion is the killing of "her unborn baby"?


Case in point, check out his article about a woman who was killed....along with her 12 week old "unborn child".

The murder of a woman and her unborn child in Idaho is making a huge impact in Austin.
39-year-old Jennifer Nalley was one of the founders of a history-making roller derby group in Texas, a teacher, friend and daughter who changed hundreds of people's lives.

It was in Idaho where she learned she was pregnant.

According to her parents, Nalley was excited at the idea of becoming a mother.

On July 4, she was out celebrating the holiday with her family. Her parents tell KVUE that when she came home to her cabin, her ex-boyfriend was there waiting for her. When she asked him to leave, she turned around and he shot her multiple times in the back.

Nalley and her 12-week-old unborn baby were killed.

“It’s just hard to comprehend how somebody could do such a thing,” her father said, two days after learning her body was discovered by family members in their Idaho cabin.

“I just wonder if the guy knows how much he’s hurt people, and what a terrible thing he did.”

Police arrested 39-year-old Erik Martin Ohlson in connection with her death. Ohlson is charged with two counts of first-degree murder. One for Nalley and one for her unborn child.

Ohhhh!!!  Now I get it!!!  If the woman was excited to become a mother of another human....then the liberals call it a baby!!  But if the woman isn't excited about it and wants the baby killed so she won't have to deal with the's called "terminating a pregnancy".  Perfect delusion!!

The dude will be charged for murdering an unborn human!!  But legally the lady could have killed the baby on the EXACT SAME DAY and she would be given a lollipop and gone out for beers with her friends following the "termination of her pregnancy."

As Billy Graham has always said:  the blood of millions of innocent babies is crying out to their Creator for JUSTICE!!

Make no mistake friends, justice will come to this nation in the form of judgment.  I hope it happens after the rapture of the church....but I will not be totally surprised if it comes before.

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