
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Muslim Yells "Allah Akbar!" While Hacking People on German Train

We aren't sure how many thousands of people Muslim terrorists will have to kill in heinous ways before the majority of liberals will say, "Islam has an internal problem and we need to figure out a way to vet followers of Muhammad before we let them walk into our country."

The Germans have made a huge mistake welcoming un-vetted Muslims into their midst....wrongly assuming that if they give those Muslims enough food, clothing, shelter and money that they will turn into good Germans who love Germany!

How wrong they are.

Today we find that a 17 yr old Afghan climbed onto a train in Germany, started yelling that Allah is greater and started hacking people with a machete and a knife.

An Afghan teen attacked passengers on a train in Germany Monday using bladed weapons, severely injuring at least three people, and was later shot dead by a SWAT-style team, authorities said.

The incident happened on a train in Heidingsfeld, near Würzburg, police said. The weapons were described as an ax and a knife.

The attacker was a 17-year-old Afghan man, Bavaria's interior minister, Joachim Herrmann, said in an interview on German public television ARD. Herrmann said the police team shot the attacker after he exited the train and charged them.

Police said at least three people suffered severe injuries and 10 to 20 people have what were described as light injuries, but the majority of those suffered from shock and not directly from the attacker.

Police said it is too early to determine a motive or whether the incident might be terrorism related.

Hermann was quoted by NBC's German partners ZDF as saying the 17-year-old was an unaccompanied refugee, and lived with a caretaker or foster family in Ochsenfurt, south of Würzburg. The train passed through the town, but it was unclear when he boarded.

The suspect lived "for some time" in in Ochsenfurt, Hermann said. The police team that killed the suspect was there by chance, and was nearby on an unrelated event, Herrmann said.

He said authorities were still investigating the motive of the attack and were looking into reports that the suspect had yelled out "an exclamation" during the rampage, The Associated Press reported. He was responding to reports that some witnesses had heard the suspect shout "Allahu Akbar" ("God Is Great") during the attack.

The attack on the train comes days after a driver rammed a truck into a crowd in Nice, France, at the end of a Bastille Day fireworks show, killing 84 people. Authorities in France have called that attack an act of terrorism.


Yes!  We need to figure out the motive of the attacker!!  Hmmm....what could it be???....think, now, think.....could he be an angry Lutheran upset about gay marriage???......could he be an angry immigrant who was sexually frustrated by all the scantily clad women at the beach??....could he be a black man really upset about BlackLivesMatter??.....what could it possibly be that would cause someone to scream to Allah before attempting murder?.....

Oh my goodness people....

Now I guess ISIS has stepped up and is claiming credit for this dude trying to kill Germans.

SURPRISE!!!  It was an angry Muslim extremist who wants the world to submit to Allah, shariah law and to usher in the caliphate!

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