
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What the Heck is Happening in Turkey?

By now you all know that a political earthquake is happening in Turkey.  A military coup failed last week in its attempt to overthrow Erdogan's government and now, it is feared, Erdogan is going to use this crisis to push his country towards his Islamist desires.

You also know that Turkey is one of the main players in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy that speaks of a coming day when a massive horde is set to join Russia and Iran in a mega attempt to take Israel's wealth and destroy Israel once and for all.

So let's check out what is happening in Turkey since the coup failed.

Also understand that many people believe that Erdogan actually staged the failed coup in order to do exactly what he is doing.

Barack Obama's "friend" in Turkey is a deeply corrupt radical Islamist dictator that has just staged a coup to consolidate his grip on power.  

As I have reported previously, 1,845 "journalists, writers and critics" have been arrested for "insulting" President Erdogan over just the past two years, and a couple of years ago he had a monstrous 1,100 room presidential palace built for himself that is 30 times larger than the White House.     

With each passing day, more evidence emerges which seems to indicate that the recent "coup" was a staged event meant to enable Erdogan and his allies to eliminate their enemies and solidify their stranglehold over the nation.  

At this point the number of victims of "Erdogan's purge" has hit 50,000, but the final number will not be known for quite some time.

Of course there is a possibility that the coup was not staged, but if it wasn't staged it was the worst military coup that I have seen in my entire lifetime.  As Fox News has pointed out, not a single high level member of government was killed or detained...

Among the questions being asked are why coup plotters didn't execute the most basic steps in seizing power, like securing Erdogan and other top officials. 

Not a single member of his cabinet and inner-circle AKP party leadership was detained. Nor did coup plotters effectively take control of TV, radio and internet outlets. The government TRT station and CNN Turk were for a time occupied by alleged coup plotters, who quickly retreated as the putsch fell apart.

It is being reported that soldiers that took part in the coup claimed "that they thought that they were taking part in military exercises", and those running the "coup" allowed Erdogan's plane to fly across the country without incident.  Here is more from Fox News...

Coup plotters also failed to secure most airports and other transportation hubs, didn't occupy or attack Erdogan's $600 million presidential palace, and failed to intercept his plane before, during or after he flew from one of the country's busiest and most accessible airports back to Istanbul. 

This despite the supposed active participation of top generals in Turkey's Air Force, which maintains a fleet of F-16 aircraft easily capable of tracking, intercepting or - if it came to it - shooting down Erdogan's plane.

There were opposition soldiers that did occupy Ataturk International Airport for a short time, but they suspiciously left just in time for Erdogan's plane to land.

So much about this supposed "coup" absolutely stinks, and that includes the fact that lists of judges, teaches, soldiers and government officials to be rounded up after the coup appear to have been prepared ahead of time.  

This is so obvious that even the EU commissioner in charge of Turkey's membership bid, Johannes Hahn, is commenting on it...

"It looks at least as if something has been prepared. The lists are available, which indicates it was prepared and to be used at a certain stage," Hahn said.

"I'm very concerned. It is exactly what we feared."

So far, at least 50,000 people have been rounded up or stripped of their positions since the coup.  The following breakdown of "the purge" comes from the BBC ...

- 6,000 military personnel have been arrested, with more than two dozen generals awaiting trial
- Nearly 9,000 police officers have been sacked
- Close to 3,000 judges have been suspended
- Some 1,500 employees of Turkey's finance ministry have been dismissed
- 492 have been fired from the Religious Affairs Directorate
- More than 250 staff in Mr Yildirim's office have been removed
- Not included in that list are 15,200 education workers and 1,577 university deans that were just sacked...

But while Turkey's press is already mostly under Erdogan's control, it is the educational witch hunt fallout that is far more troubling, and just as expected over the past hour we have gotten a glimpse of just how extensive the Turkish's president cleansing of secular society will be, when the state-run Anadolu news agency reported that Turkey's ministry of education has sacked 15,200 personnel for alleged involvement with a group the government claims is responsible for Friday's failed coup.

Erdogan has been a radical Islamist throughout his entire political career, and his goal has always been to transform Turkey from a highly secular society into a highly Islamic one.

Sadly, now he has the power to do just that.

So what does the future hold for people of other faiths in Turkey?  Well, we may have gotten some clues on the night of the alleged "coup"...

During the night of 15 July, unidentified assailants broke the glass panels in the door of the Malatya Protestant Church. The pastor, Tim Stone, said he thought someone with a grudge against the church had taken advantage of the general unrest.

Meanwhile, in Trabzon, on the northern coast, around 10 people smashed the windows of the Santa Maria Catholic Church, where in 2006 a priest, Fr. Andrea Santoro, was murdered. The attackers tried to break into the church, but a group of Muslim neighbors drove them away, before contacting a priest.

And as Erdogan continues to transform into a Turkish version of Adolf Hitler, he is putting his nation's membership in NATO in jeopardy.  The following comes from the Telegraph...

In an ideal world, it would be in everyone's interests for Mr Erdogan to cease his efforts to turn Turkey into an Iranian-style Islamic republic, thereby allowing Turkey to retain its place at Nato's top table. But if he really is determined to pursue his radical Islamist agenda, then Nato will have no option but to rid itself of its troublesome Turkish ally.

What is happening in Turkey right now is truly chilling.

A country that is already a member of NATO and that was supposed to become a member of the European Union is rapidly becoming a hardcore radical Islamic dictatorship.


The world seems to be setting up for MASSIVE UNREST and even the reshaping of governments and borders.

The Prince of this world (Satan) is furiously orchestrating the chess pieces to bring online his Antichrist.

Meanwhile, here in America we have millions of people walking around with their faces buried in their cell phones hunting the elusive Pokeman characters.

Friends, our directive given by our King is to be salt and light to a dark and collapsing world.  Time is short....either Jesus is coming soon or we are about to tumble down the Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole into a world that just a few decades ago we never thought possible.

I hope and pray that the trumpet sounds very soon and we who claim Christ as savior hear the blessed shout to "Come up here!"

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