
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

More Female Teachers Caught Having Sex With Students

Apostle Paul seems to hint that a society is in its end-game of moral decay when "even their women" get perverse.

Romans 1:26
Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.

Needless to say, it's unnatural for a mature woman to desire sex with a younger boy.

A quick Google search will reveal that over the past 10 years, countless female teachers have been caught having sex with teenagers.  We wonder how many there are who haven't been caught yet?

Today we find a few more making headlines.

A Texas high school algebra teacher called off her wedding after she was arrested last month for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old student — who apparently started the fling by inviting her to steamy Snapchat sessions.

Alaina Ferguson, 23, of Plano, was released from jail in lieu of $100,000 bond after being booked on charges of sexually assaulting the boy, according to Fox 4. Ferguson was also ordered to wear an electronic monitoring device and deactivate all social media accounts.

The alleged relationship began at the beginning of the school year when the Plano Senior High student wrote his Snapchat handle on a test and gave it to Ferguson, according to an arrest warrant obtained by The Post.

Shortly after speaking on the app, Ferguson met up with the teen in Lewisville, where they reportedly had sex on a park bench.

Ferguson is accused of sending the boy nude selfies, plying him with alcohol and having sex with him in her fiancĂ©’s apartment while he was out of town on a hunting trip just two weeks after their initial encounter.

They went on to have sex at the apartment on several more occasions and also played beer pong and ate pizza, according to CBS.

This incident is just the latest entry in a disturbing trend of female teachers sleeping with students:

Here; is a disturbing trend....

We expect males to be more prone to perversion....but perverse females seem to be one more sign of just how far our society has fallen.

"But Dennis, don't you know that the pronouns MALE and FEMALE are a thing of the past?  Haven't you got the memo yet from Team Obama that there are now 37 recognized genders?  You really should quit using terms like "he" and "She" or "him" and "her"'s disrespectful and hateful towards our gender-queer and and gender-neutral citizens!"

oh ish!

"In the beginning God created them MALE AND FEMALE.  MALE AND FEMALE HE CREATED THEM."

It's like God knew he should repeat himself....cuz he knew how dense/blind/dumb His subjects would ultimately become.

I truly am sorry if you are confused in your gender.  It's simply another sign of how mankind is DEVOLVING in this sin-sick world.

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