
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Indiana Town Ordered to Remove Cross from Christmas Tree

What is Christmas?

Ummm.....the word has Christ and Mass built right into it.

What is a Christmas tree?'s a Christian tradition of putting lights on trees to signify that Christ is a light that came to a dark and fallen world.

What is a cross?

Ummmm.....It's a Christian symbol that lots of people who celebrate Christmas put on their trees.

KNIGHTSTOWN, Ind. — Officials in an Indiana town removed a cross atop the town's Christmas tree because they said they could not win what was expected to be a costly lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

"It is with regret and sadness that the Knightstown Town Council has had the cross removed from the Christmas tree on the town square and is expected to approve a resolution at the next council meeting stating they will not return the cross to the tree," the council said in a Facebook post.

The council cites its inability to afford fighting a legal battle with the American Civil Liberties Union, a representative stated in an email to IndyStar.

Indiana's chapter of the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the town, about 40 miles east of Indianapolis, arguing the display of a Latin cross on the town square violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

The lawsuit was brought by Knightstown resident Joseph Tompkins. The town of about 2,100 people held a demonstration at the town square Sunday night, dedicated to keeping the cross on the tree.

Curt Hunt, pastor of the Knightstown United Methodist Church, led the event.

"This is demonstrative of the erosion of free expression of religion," Hunt told IndyStar.

"It is unfortunate that town council was forced to take the action," Hunt said. "It's my hope in the future, someone would be able to put forward the case under the First Amendment, that such displays do not violate the establishment of the First Amendment."

Ken Falk, legal director of the ACLU of Indiana, said the decision to bring down the cross is a win for the First Amendment.

"We're obviously very happy and glad the issue could be resolved," Falk said, adding that Tompkins did not seek any monetary damages for the suit.


Dang liberals!  They should take a class in anti-bullying!

Another example of how the First Amendment is being misinterpreted by liberals to mean NO RELIGION can be displayed.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't really sure how to get this to you other than to comment on one of your posts. But here it is

    I think you may find it funny.

    As far as the ACLU is concerned they are suffering from a severe case of ennui. They have bought into the idea that we all come nothing, we are merely a cosmic accident, the idea of right and wrong are nonsensical, there is no truth...blah blah blah. They yearn for meaning and since they have rejected the source of it they now ironically push the only thing that can bring them meaning, Jesus, further and further away. It's sad really.
