
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Trump Team Searching for US Embassy Site in Jerusalem

Who has a 3000 year historic claim to Jerusalem?.....Jews

Whose holy book NEVER mentions Jerusalem?....The Koran

How many times is the word Jerusalem in the Bible?....a lot.

What city does the God of the universe claim as His?....Jerusalem

Who passed a resolution over 20 years ago to put their embassy in Jerusalem....USA

Who is now looking to actually do what Congress recommended 20 years ago....Pres Elect Trump

The incoming Trump administration is reportedly searching Jerusalem for a feasible site in which to locate the U.S. Embassy, according to a report broadcast Monday evening by Channel 2 television news.

The report comes on the heels of one earlier in the day quoting senior aide Kellyanne Conway, who told media that moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was a “big priority” for President-elect Donald Trump.

Conway told conservative U.S. radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt, an attorney who broadcasts with the Salem Radio Network, that Trump “made it very clear during the campaign… and as president-elect I’ve heard him repeat it several times privately, if not publicly.”

She pointed out that such a move would be “easy to do” and wondered why other presidents have not done so, saying that it would be something that Israel, “a great friend in the Middle East” would appreciate. She also noted it is “something that a lot of Jewish Americans have expressed their preference for.”

The Politico website explained in an article on the issue that “The United Nations does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and most countries keep their embassies in the vicinity of Tel Aviv.”


Of course the "Muhammad and his flying horse" folks (practicing Muslims) are NOT going to be happy with this news.

As for me....I can't help but smile.

"I will bless those who bless (the Jews) and curse those who curse them."---says the One True God.

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