Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Trump's Son in Law is Orthodox Jew

The media is all aflutter today as they report that Donald is naming Jared Kushner as his chief adviser.  Kushner happens to be Trump's son in law and also happens to be an Orthodox Jew.

The Middle East will be one policy platform that Kushner will advise Pres. Trump on.

Jared Kushner, US President-elect Donald Trump’s son-in-law, will be appointed senior White House adviser, presidential transition officials confirmed.

Kushner, an orthodox Jew, is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka and served as a close advisor to the Republican candidate during the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Trump is working with a legal team, which reportedly managed to circumvent any nepotism laws that would bar a politician from promoting family members. These laws, however, may not be applicable to the White House.

Trump is expected to make the announcement at a press conference on Wednesday.

Kushner, a wealthy 35-year-old real estate developer, is preparing to resign from his position at Kushner Companies and “divest substantial assets,” Jamie Gorelick, his attorney and partner at the law firm of WilmerHale, told media.

“Mr. Kushner is committed to complying with federal ethics laws, and we have been consulting with the Office of Government Ethics regarding the steps he would take,” Gorelick said.


Wow!  The plot thickens!!

And Team Trump continues to push for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

The liberals are still in shocked disbelief that Trump beat their champion.  They can't believe that Trump said dirty words and can even playfully mock people and that America would still elect him!

They don't understand how JayZ, Beyonce, Madonna, Meryl Streep, and Amy Shumer could have all been campaigning for Hillary....and yet Americans simply didn't care what these Hollywood folks think.

Remember to keep praying for Trump, his transition team and that America would continue to be a blessing to Israel.


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