
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Notre Dame Cancels VP Speech Because Some Kids May "Feel Unsafe"

By now many of us have realized that our Colleges and Universities are making liberal idiots just as fast as they can cash their student loan tuition checks.

It used to be that college was a place where you could go and have your mind stretched by different thoughts, different ideas and even conflicting world views....but no more!

On many campuses today they are stifling free speech by refusing to let anyone come on campus who might offend someone, OR make them "feel unsafe."

Today we read that Notre Dame decided not to invite Trump to speak for fear of protests and media Mike Pence was thought to be a better choice.  But the students decided that Pence would make them "feel unsafe" they cancelled him.

Six weeks ago, the University of Notre Dame upended its self-professed tradition by declining to extend an invitation to the new US president at their May commencement. Rather than deal with the protests and media attention of having Donald Trump speak, university president Fr. John Jenkins opted instead to invite Vice President Mike Pence, as Fr. Jenkins didn’t “want the surrounding controversy to distract from the central purpose of commencement.” Fr. Jenkins avoided mentioning Trump at all in his statement, instead hailing Pence as an obviously appropriate choice for the school’s 175th anniversary:
It is fitting that in the 175th year of our founding on Indiana soil that Notre Dame recognize a native son who served our state and now the nation with quiet earnestness, moral conviction and a dedication to the common good characteristic of true statesmen. With his own brand of reserved dignity, Mike Pence instilled confidence on the state level then, and on the world stage now. We are proud to welcome him to represent the new administration.

How’s that working out for Fr. Jenkins? Every bit as well as you’d expect after a pre-emptive heckler’s veto:
Vice President Mike Pence’s scheduled commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame has prompted a protest by senior students who say that Pence’s presence on campus will make them “feel unsafe.”

Students Immane Mondane and Jourdyhn Williams have started a #NotMyCommencementSpeaker campaign against Pence’s May 21 address. …

In addition to the #NotMyCommencementSpeaker campaign, a number of student groups have spoken out against the invitation of Pence, including the Diversity Council and the College Democrats, according to Campus Reform.

The protest organizers seem to disagree with Fr. Jenkins on Pence’s moral standing:

“For me personally, [Pence] represents the larger Trump administration,” Mondane said. “ … his administration represents something, and for many people on our campus, it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity.” …

The selection of Pence as graduation speaker also violates the University’s Catholic mission, Williams said.

“I feel that is offensive to such a large population here at Notre Dame, and I also believe it goes against certain Catholic Social Teaching, which is something the University likes to broadcast that it stands behind, but it picks and chooses when it wants to stand behind them,” she said.

I love how this author finished up this article;

Apparently, Notre Dame has stopped teaching critical thought. Or preparing students for the real world, where the unsafe feelz are not anyone else’s problem.

Remember friends, followers of Christ should take note of this trend because it is pointing to the decline in free speech and will one day further impede our ability to share the Gospel in our own country.


Because telling someone that we are all born sinners on a highway to hell and that Christ is the ONLY answer to get off the highway....will make lots of people "feel unsafe" and soon that kind of message will be made illegal.

Think I'm kidding??  It's already happening in UK where street preachers were recently arrested for telling people Jesus words from John, 'I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father except through me."

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