
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

World About to be Told That Aliens Exist and are on Earth

For all my readers who know that "aliens" don't really exist but instead are simply demons in their latest's a great headline.

EXCLUSIVE: World is 'about to be told ALIENS EXIST and are HERE on EARTH'

The claim is made by lobby group The Disclosure Activists, a new international consortium trying to force the alleged truth about aliens out into the open.

Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years aliens have been visiting Earth and world leaders are aware, but it has been kept from the public under an alleged "truth embargo" amid fears of the impact it would have on religion and the rule of law.

But now The Disclosure Activists claim and number of recent UFO file declassifications, means the lid is about to come off once and for all.

In a statement, the organisation said "the historical stance of widespread denial and misinformation has shifted".

Group, co-founder Russell Calka: "Recently there is a systematic effort from within the US and other world governments to release this information to the public."

Victor Viggiani, the senior strategic adviser to organisation, added: "All of the evidence that has been accumulated by researchers, military witness testimony, and acquired from declassified government documents over the last 70 years points to three very basic conclusions — the planet Earth has been and is being engaged by off-world civilisations. 

"Secondly — this information has been hidden from the public in a well orchestrated and systematic embargo on the truth. 

"Thirdly, governments know these conclusions are true — researchers of this topic know these conclusions are true, and it is now time for humanity to learn these truths.”

The statement added: "The Disclosure Activists contend that Disclosure is already underway. 

"Earlier this month, the Spanish Ministry of Defence released a cache of previously classified UFO documents, similar to documents released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in January 2017, and similar to other document releases from governments in the UK, Chile, and Mexico. 

"NASA reported the discovery of additional habitable exoplanets (bringing the total to well over 3000) and just this month, former President George W Bush alluded to his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon in an interview on late night television with Jimmy Kimmel. 

Here; many people on planet earth would believe whatever lie these "aliens" would spit out?

Talk about deception and delusion.....

1 comment:



    Todd K.
