
Friday, August 18, 2017

Knife Swinging Man Kills Two in Finland

Authorities still "aren't sure" what the motive was for a man in Finland to pull out a knife and start stabbing.  2 people are dead.

But here is a big hint....screams of "Allahu Akbar!" could be heard.

Hmmmm.....I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Finland was just attacked by a Muslim who believes what Muhammad and the Koran have taught all along!

Two people were killed and at least eight others injured Friday in a knife rampage in the Finnish city of Turku, where police shot and arrested a man and hunted for more suspects, according to reports.

Police Chief Seppo Kolehmainen said it was too early to link the events in Turku to international terrorism, according to the YLE broadcaster.

“Nothing is known about the motives … or what precisely has happened in Turku,” he said about the bloodbath in the Puutori-Market Square area.

Among those injured area was a woman who had been walking her baby in a stroller, local media said.

The Helsingin Sanomat news outlet said some of the eight people hospitalized were in critical condition.

Police shot one suspect in the legs and arrested him, while security forces tweeted that police were “looking for other possible perpetrators.”

In video purporting to show the aftermath of the Turku attack, a scream of “Allahu Akbar” – Arabic for “God is the greatest” – can be heard as people are seen fleeing in the street, reported.

A reporter for the Ilta-Sanomat news outlet said he saw a body covered at the blood-soaked scene.

“At least 5 victims, most likely some fatalities one was a woman with a baby,” one person tweeted, The Sun of the UK reported.

Witness Kent Svensson told CNN that he saw a dead woman.

“She was dead. It’s just awful. This guy had this huge knife in his hand, and several times he was stabbing this person. People were just running everywhere,” he said.

“He was just turning around flinging his knife everywhere. There were people lying everywhere,” he added. “We were just talking about what happened in Barcelona. We thought we were safe in Finland. And then this happens in front of our eyes.”


Incredible!  They were just talking about Muslim terror in Barcelona and they thought they were safe in Finland....but it turns out that radical Muslims can be anywhere and everywhere!!  That's why it's so important for freedom loving nations to not let Muslims into their countries without first finding out what their long term motives are.

We have said it all along....Islam is a violent religion made up by the lies of Satan 600 years after Jesus did his work on the cross and Christianity had already spread into much of the civilized world.

We believe that the forces of evil are now going to continue to use true Islam in these Last Days.

Yesterday Barcelona, today Finland, tomorrow someplace else.  And yet the leftists refuse to connect the dots.

It would only take a few hundred Muslims armed with big knives and dispersed to all the malls of America at one time....and our retail god of Mammon would shut down pretty fast.  What would happen to America if everyone quit shopping at malls because they were freaked out?

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