
Friday, August 18, 2017

Leftists Suggest Blowing Up Mount Rushmore

Yesterday we wrote about Trump asking where all the tearing down of monuments actually ends.  We wondered when someone might soon suggest destroying Mount Rushmore since there are two slave owners carved into the the nasty white people TOOK that land from the Indians who had been here for millions of years living with the beavers and deer in complete harmony.

We didn't have to wait long to see the suggestion show up on a popular leftist website.

"Let's Blow Up Mount Rushmore" Says Vice

We may have hit peak media crazy here. A prominent online news publication says, “Let's blow up Mt. Rushmore.” No, this is not al-Qaeda's "Inspire" magazine or the Islamic State's "Dabiq" propaganda publication - it's Brooklyn based Vice News.

On the same day a barbaric terror attack takes place in Barcelona, resulting in 13 deaths and 100 people injured, the popular liberal news org known for its edgy investigative approach and stylistic "cooler than thou" appeal to millennials tweeted out an article which advocates for blowing up Mount Rushmore. 

After fierce online push back on a day there was a literal terror attack unfolding across the Atlantic, Vice hastily deleted the tweet and changed the article title to the toned down, Let's Get Rid of Mt. Rushmore - this time with an editor's note at the bottom of the page attempting to explain the change: 

Editor's note: The headline and URL of this story have been updated. We do not condone violence in any shape or form, and the use of "blow up" in the original headline as a rhetorical device was misguided and insensitive. We apologize for the error.

Rhetorical device? The content of the article still supports destroying America's most celebrated and iconic historic monument dedicated to American presidents. The author literally states he is "onboard" should there ever be "a serious push to blow up Rushmore":

"With the president of the United States basically justifying neo-Nazism, it seems unthinkable that we will ever see a day when there is a serious push to blow up Rushmore and other monuments like it. But if that moment ever arrives, I suspect I'd be onboard."

Cooper further (not so) eloquently calls for leveling the whole place, and presumably all monuments devoted to past US "cults of personality" (as he calls them):

Demystifying the historical figures of the past, pulling them off the great mountain top back down to Earth where they shat, farted, spit, pissed, fucked, raped, murdered, died, and rotted seems like important business for this country. As long as we allow those men to be cults of personality who exist beyond reproach, we're never going to be able to see them for all of their good and all of their evil. 

Ironically, the article does acknowledge the truthfulness of Trump's recent words that we are headed towards a dangerously iconoclastic slippery slope set to end in the demolishing of American history. But the Vice article at the outset essentially says... yes! Let's do just that:

"Donald Trump says removing confederate statues is a slippery slope that could get out of control. Maybe he's right—would that be such a bad thing?"


We realize this might not seem to have much to do with Bible prophecy....but in reality it does.

When nations turn from God and His Word, they get really confused.

When America falls because our foundations have crumbled, we believe prophecy will accelerate at a very fast pace.

Further, we believe that we are witnessing the cracks being made into America's foundations.

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